Hours of Pierre de Bosredont
Gift of the Trustees of the William S. Glazier Collection, 1984
Shepherds: Annunciation — Amid sheep, two shepherds, one who is wearing a hood, holding a pedum with his left hand, and raising his right hand, and the other, who is standing next to a hat and playing a bagpipe, look up toward a bust of an angel. The angel is amid rays in an arc of heaven and is holding a scroll inscribed GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO ET IN TE[RRA]. . Behind the sheep is a shepherdess holding distaff and spindle. In the background are hills, buildings, and a body of water with a swan in it.
The margins are decorated with floreate ornament inhabited by a rabbit. The heraldic shield of Pierre de Bosredont (quarterly, vair and gules) is in the lower margin.