MA 1226, p.10, Letter 4

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Jane Austen

Lady Susan

Autograph manuscript, fair copy, of a novel


Purchased, 1947

MA 1226

Miss Vernon is to be placed at a school in Town be:
:fore her Mother comes to us, which I am glad of, for
her sake & my own. It must be to her advantage to
be separated from her Mother; & a girl of sixteen who
has received so wretched an education, would not be
a very desirable companion here. — Reginald has long
wished I know to see the captivating Lady Susan, &
we shall depend on his joining our party soon. —
I am glad to hear that my Father continues so well,
& am, with best love, &c.,

Cath Vernon.

Letter 4.

Mr. De Courcy to Mrs. Vernon


My dear Sister
     I congratulate you & Mr. Vernon on being
about to receive into your family, the most accom:
:plished coquette in England. — As a very distinguished
Flirt I have always been taught to consider her; but


Images provided by DIAMM on behalf of Jane Austen’s Holograph Fiction MSS: A Digital and Print Edition.

Recording of Lady Susan courtesy of Naxos AudioBooks.

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