239, MS M.429, fol. 118r

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Saint Beatus, Presbyter of Liebana

Commentary on the Apocalypse and commentary on the Book of Daniel

Spain, perhaps Toledo
520 x 370 mm

Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913) in 1910

MS M.429
Page description: 

Apocalypse: Vials given.

Apocalypse: Vials given (Revelation 15:7-8) -- Nimbed and winged Beast (eagle) with human body on wheel, descending from open portal in medallion in starred segment of heaven to seven nimbed angels holding vials; starred background inscribed ISTE ANGELUS ANIMALIA [...]T ANGELIS SEPTEM FIALAS and HII SUNT SEPTEM ANGELIS PORTANTES FIALAS AUREAS.