Commentary on the Apocalypse and commentary on the Book of Daniel
Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913) in 1910
Apocalypse: Christ, Praise of Judgment.
Apocalypse: Christ, Praise of Judgment (Revelation 19:1-5) -- Christ beardless, pearled crossed nimbus, book in left hand, seated on cushion on arc in starred mandorla flanked by four nimbed and winged Beasts with human bodies on wheels.
Zone 2:
Eighteen of Twenty-four Elders, kneeling.
Zone 3:
Apocalypse: John and Angel (Revelation 19:10) -- Nimbed angel, hands extended to John nimbed, kneeling;
Starred and decorated background; inscription in upper margin UBI QUATTOR ANIMALIUM ET SENIORES ADORANT TRONUM.