321, MS M.429, fol. 159r

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Saint Beatus, Presbyter of Liebana

Commentary on the Apocalypse and commentary on the Book of Daniel

Spain, perhaps Toledo
520 x 370 mm

Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan (1837-1913) in 1910

MS M.429
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Belshazzar: Feast.

Belshazzar: Feast (Daniel 5:1-28) -- Daniel inscribed DANIEL CONTRASCRIPTURAM RESPICIENS, pearled nimbus, pointing to hand ARTICULOS SCRIBERRAS IN PARIETEM holding stylus, issuing from lighted candlestick inscribed CANDELABRUM.
Below, Belshazzar crowned, reclining on sigma couch with other men, two nimbed, at table set with bowl filled with loaves?; servant holding flask; architectural frame with inscription MANE THECEL PHARES; background inscribed MANE NUMERABIT REGNUM TUUM ET COMPLEBIT ILLUD. [...] EST MINUS HABENS. FARES DIUISUM EST REGNUM [...] ET DATUM EST MEDIS [...].
Text is Jerome, In Danielem, V.