Livre de la chasse
Bequest of Clara S. Peck, 1983
The Hare
Hares lived in droves of five or six and, having spent the day sleeping, would leave their abodes at sunset for pastures of wild thyme, mint, and clover. They would mate year-round, and the female would usually give birth to two leverets, but could have up to six. The ability of dogs tracking hares was severely tested because hares' tracks crisscrossed, their ears were sensitive to the slightest sound, and their quivering noses were quick to detect suspect scents. The hare was frequently depicted in the margins of medieval manuscripts as part of the world upside-down theme, where by he would become the hunter–—blowing a horn, chasing a hound or wolf, or even hunting a man.
Image courtesy of Faksimile Verlag Luzern