MS M.1044, fols. 13v–14r

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Gaston III Phœbus, Count of Foix

Livre de la chasse

Paris, France
ca. 1406–1407
381 x 290 mm

Bequest of Clara S. Peck, 1983

MS M. 1044
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The Roe
The roebuck, because of its small size, was graceful and swift and thus better able to elude the hunter. It was the most common game and could be hunted throughout the year. The roe's monogamy was greatly appreciated by hunters, who spared the doe until her kids no longer depended on her for survival. After the kids were weaned, the doe would rejoin the buck, and they remained together until death. The doe's maternal devotion made it an occasional symbol of chastity in art. Although not depicted here, the roe's rump would bristle and turn white when pursued, sending an alarm to other roes in the vicinity


Image courtesy of Faksimile Verlag Luzern