Tenniel wrote the Dalziel brothers to ask if they would engrave the illustrations for Looking-Glass

10 Portsdown Road.
Jany. 11. 1870.
Dear Dalziel
Are you disposed
to undertake the engraving
of another little book for
Mr. Dodgson?—It is a
continuation of “Alice’s
Adventures,” and I am
going to work upon it at
One line please to say
“yes”—and I’ll let you
know the size of blocks &c.
In much haste—
Yours very truly
J. Tenniel.
All good wishes for the New Year!!!
Image Caption:
John Tenniel (1820—1914)
Letter to Edward or George Dalziel, signed and dated 11 Portsdown Road, London, 11 January 1870
The Pierpont Morgan Library, New York. Purchased on the Fellows Fund, with the special assistance of Julia P. Wightman, 1982.
Photography by Graham S. Haber, 2015.