Fasciculus temporum
Cronaca della Napoli Aragonese: Scene, Liberation of Otranto -- In landscape, buildings of city on hill and on shore of body of water, including church surmounted by bannered cross. On opposite shore two figures pulling in fishnet.
Army on winding road including: two cannons on wagons, one drawn by two leaping horses behind group of soldiers carrying spears, halberd, and shield next to inscription in margin, LA GENTE DEL S(IGNOR) RE DE ONGORIA; inscription in margin, DONNO ALFONSO SANTEGLIAS, behind two soldiers, wearing helmets, armor and spurs, one with lance (?) both astride caparisoned horses, approaching group of foot soldiers, carrying spears, four (?) holding shields
Camp of five bannered tents; six soldiers, four or five astride horses, carrying spears, lances, battle-axe, sword and shield, below inscription LO CONTE IULIO; at bottom, two cannons on wheels behind horseman, and four soldiers, all astride horses, one caparisoned, three wearing plumed helmets, armor and spurs, two holding lances, one blowing trumpet with heraldic banner, approaching inscription in margin DONNIECHO.