"Hainricus Missal"
(Gradual, Sequentiary, and Sacramentary), in Latin
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1926
Christ: Last Judgment -- In center, Christ, decorated crossed nimbus, glancing toward left, seated within arch, shows wounds.
Around figure of Christ, miniature is divided by arches into four zones:
In upper zone, Christ is flanked by two apostles (only nimbus of second apostle visible) seated with Virgin Mary, veiled, hands raised, and Apostle Peter, holding key, seated with one apostle. All figures are nimbed.
In middle zone, three apostles, including Evangelist John with arms extended downward, and four apostles (only nimbus of fourth apostle visible) flank Christ's lower body.
In lower left zone, Elect are represented by group of six tonsured monks, including Hainricus Sacrista (identified in inscription), as donor, kneeling, raising book held in both hands toward Evangelist John, above.
In lower right zone, group of ten Damned figures, inclining heads to left, stand in two rows.
Band between middle and lower zone and band dividing lower zone are inscribed: HAINRICVS HUNC TIBI CARE DEI FERO LIBRVM SANCTE IOHANNES. NE ME SVBSANNES SED ET PREMIA DES REQVIEI.
Scene set in decorated frame.