Past Exhibitions

April 18 through August 10, 2008

Illuminating the Medieval Hunt features nearly fifty miniatures from the Morgan's celebrated hunting manuscript by Gaston Phoebus (1331–1391), Le Livre de la chasse (Paris, ca. 1407).

Image of Hunting Party Pursuing Wild Boar
February 29 through May 11, 2008

The Morgan Library & Museum presents from its rich permanent collection a select group of related works by artists at the court of Duke Cosimo I dei Medici (1519–1574).

Image of Head and Shoulders of a Bearded Man
January 25 though April 20, 2008

The show focuses on artists who worked on the frescoes, paintings, tapestries, and other decorative work that embellished the magnificent Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, best known as the home of the Medici dukes.

Image of Bust of a Woman, Head of an Old Man and Bust of a Child
January 18 through April 13, 2008

Close Encounters showcases a group of sixty-seven portraits of notable subjects by Irving Penn (b. 1917), acquired by The Morgan Library & Museum in 2007.

Image of Pablo Picasso
October 12, 2007, through January 6, 2008

Drawing Connections explores the correspondences between contemporary and old master drawings.

September 28, 2007, through January 6, 2008

Van Gogh's words and sketches reveal his thoughts about art and life and communicate his groundbreaking work in Arles to his fellow painter.

Image of Van Gogh Collection Highlights
June 29 through September 23, 2007

On view were more than eighty sheets by French, British, Italian, Dutch, Flemish, and German draftsmen from the sixteenth through the early twentieth centuries.

Image of The Procession of Cristna
April 20 through September 2, 2007

An extraordinary collection of forty-three early-twentieth-century German and Austrian drawings by some of the leaders of the German expressionist movement and the Vienna Secession was on view in From Berlin to Broadway.

March 23 through June 17, 2007

In this exhibition, the Book of Revelation, in all of its complexity, was seen through the eyes of some of the greatest medieval illuminators.

Image of Woman Clothed in the Sun and the Defeat of the Seven-Headed Dragon
January 26 through May 6, 2007

Victorian Bestsellers explored the rise of this cultural phenomenon using original manuscripts, first editions, illustrated editions, and rare printed ephemera, drawn largely from the Morgan's renowned literary collections.

Image of Caricature of Charles Dickens in Bentley's Miscellany