Vincent van Gogh, letter to Émile Bernard, Arles, 15 July 1888, Letter 10, page 4
Thaw Collection, given in honor of Charles E. Pierce, Jr., 2007
I've already written to him about that, anyway. But we're working on something that leaves us
absolutely without a sou.
The fact is that Gauguin—who has been very ill—is probably going to spend the coming winter
with me here in the south. And there's the fare, which is worrying us. Once here, well, two together
spend less than one alone. All the more reason why I should like to have some things by you here.
Once Gauguin's here, we'll try to do something together in Marseille, and will probably exhibit there.
Now I'd like to have some things by you, too, although without making you lose opportunities for
selling in Paris. In any case, I don't believe I'm making you lose them by encouraging you to exchange
sketches of painted studies between us. And as soon as I can, we'll do another piece of business as
well, but am quite hard up now. What I'm convinced of is that if we exhibit in Marseille, sooner or
later Gauguin and I will encourage you to join us.
Thomas bought Anquetin's study in the end—the peasant.
I shake your hand firmly, so long, and
Ever yours,
© 2007 Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam