Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Inguar the Dane: Scene, sending Messenger to demand Submission of Edmund of England -- Six Danes, wearing helmets and armed with swords, spears, and shields, accompany Inguar, who is wearing a helmet, has a sheath at his waist, and is raising a sword in his right hand and extending his left hand toward a messenger. The messenger has his left hand on a sheathed sword at his waist and his right hand raised. He is accompanied by five men. Two of them wear animal skins, and one of the two also wears a scrip and holds a tau-staff. The illustration depicts a tree in the center and has a patterned background and decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 7.