Binding Collection

Ane observable note of severall sundrey remarkable heads of the Old and New Testament / coppied out of the same be Ia: Douglas.

At Edenburgh, 26 Ag: 1692.
PML 128835

Angelica inamorata / di M. Vicentio Brusantino ferrarese ... ; reuista per il medesimo autore, & corretta per il diligente Academico Pellegrino.

Brusantini, Vincenzo, d. 1570.
In Vinegia : Per Francesco Marcolini, 1553.
PML 15258

Angelus Britannicus : an ephemeris for the year of our redemption, 1705. Being the first after the bissextile or leap-year ... / By John Tanner ...

Tanner, John, ca. 1636-1715.
London : Printed by R. Janeway, for the Company of Stationers, 1705.
PML 1826.3

Anna and Edgar.

Inglis, Richmond.
Edinburgh, [1781]
PML 57629

Annales Heremi Deiparae Matris monasterii in Helvetia ordinis S. Benedicti antiquitate, religione, frequentia, miraculis toto orbe celeberrimi.

Hartmannus, Christophorus.
Friburgi Brisgoviae : Ex typogr. archiducali, 1612.
PML 2098

Annales. The true and royall history of the famous empresse Elizabeth, queene of England, France and Ireland, &c., true faith's defendresse of diuine renowne and happy memory. Wherein all such memorable things as happened during hir blessed raigne, with such acts and treaties as past betwixt Hir Ma.tie and Scotland, France, Spaine, Italy, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Russia, and the Netherlands, are exactly described.

Camden, William, 1551-1623.
London, Printed for B. Fisher, 1625.
PML 16478.1

Anno regni Georgii II regis ... vicesimo secundo ... : an act for amending, explaining, and reducing ... the laws relating to the government for His Magesty's ships, vessels and forces by sea.

[London : .s.n.], 1780
PML 6183

Annual report of the Royal Humane Society for the recovery of persons apparently drowned or dead, 1820.

Marryat, Frederick, 1792-1848.
London : Printed for the Society, by John Nichols and Son, 1820.
PML 77815

Antibarbarus Det är en vidlyftig undersokning om grundämnenas natur ...

Strindberg, August, 1849-1912.
Stockholm : Tryck och Förlag Bröderna Lagerström, 1906 [t.p., 1905].
PML 62145

Antonii Thylesii Consentini De coronis libellus.

Telesio, Antonio, 1482-1533?
Romae : Apud F. Minitium Caluum, mense Februario, 1525.
PML 23691