Music Manuscripts and Printed Music

Displaying 6801–7200 of 26165 records
Record ID Creator Title Date Accession Number Images
140682 Auber, D. F. E. (Daniel François Esprit), 1782-1871. Autograph letter signed, dated : [n.p., Paris], "Lundi 19," to Mme [Pauline] Viardot, "Lundi 19." MFC A888.V619
140683 Auber, D. F. E. (Daniel François Esprit), 1782-1871. Autograph letter signed : [n.p., n.d.], to an unidentified recipient, [n.d.]. no date MLT A888.X1
140684 Auber, D. F. E. (Daniel François Esprit), 1782-1871. Autograph manuscript unsigned, dated : [n.p., Paris?], [n.d.]. no date MFC A888.X
140685 Auden, W. H. (Wystan Hugh), 1907-1973. Autograph manuscript signed, dated : [n.p., n.d., ca. 1952], 1952. 1952. MFC A899.X
140686 Audran, Edmond, 1842-1901. Autograph letter signed, dated : Paris, 16 November 1887, to an unidentified recipient, 1887, 16 November. 1887, 16 November. MFC A915.X
140688 Auer, Leopold, 1845-1930. Autograph letter signed, dated : New York, 30 December 1920, to Mr. [Harry Harkness] Flagler, 1920, 30 December. 1920, 30 December. MFC A917.F574
140689 Auer, Leopold, 1845-1930. Autograph letter signed, dated : St. Petersburg, 17 April 1891, to an unidentified compatriot, 1891, 17 April. 1891, 17 April. MLT A917.X1 (1891.04.17)
140690 Auric, Georges, 1899-1983. Autograph letters signed (2), dated : Paris, 23 June 1925, and [London], 23 June 1926, to Mme [Louise] Alvar, 1925, 23 June and 1926, 23 June. 1925, 23 June and 1926, 23 June. Harding M5
140691 Aus Der Ohe, Adele. Autograph letter signed, dated : Buffalo, N. Y., 14 May 1887, to Mr. Dennis, 1887, 14 May. 1887, 14 May. MFC A932.D411
140692 Aus Der Ohe, Adele. Autograph letter signed, dated : New York, 9 February 1893, to Mr. [Robert Underwood?] Johnson, 1893, 9 February. 1893, 9 February.
140693 Aus Der Ohe, Adele. Autograph letter signed, dated : New York, 16 April 1891, to Mr. Stevenson, 1891, 16 April. 1891, 16 April. MFC A932.S847
140694 Avenarius, Richard, 1843-1896. Autograph letter signed, dated : Zurich, 1 May 1865, to Minna Wagner, 1865, 1 May. 1865, 1 May. MLT A951.W1343
140695 Avshalomov, Aaron, 1894-1965. Autograph letter signed, dated : Shanghai, 27 August 1934, to Mr. [Melbert Brinkerhoff] Cary, 1934, 27 August. 1934, 27 August. MFC A963.C333
140728 A new musical comedy, Oh, look!, with the Dolly Sisters-Harry Fox : suggested by James Montgomery's farce Ready money : lyrics by Joseph McCarthy : music by Harry Carroll : staged by Robert Milton and Edward Royce. 1918
140730 Special Matinee, Auditorium Theater, Monday, October 13th, 1919 : F. Ray Comstock and Morris Gest present The Dolly Sisters in the merry musical comedy "Oh look" : suggested by James Montgomery's farce, Ready money, lyrics by Joseph McCarthy, music by Harry Carroll, staged by Robert Milton and Edward Royce. 1919
140731 O'Hara, Geoffrey, 1882-1967. K-K-K-Katy / by Geoffrey O'Hara. c1918.
140732 O'Hara, Geoffrey, 1882-1967. K-K-K-Katy / by Geoffrey O'Hara. c1918.
140733 O'Hara, Geoffrey, 1882-1967. K-K-K-Katy / by Geoffrey O'Hara. c1918.
140734 Friedman, Leo, 1869-1927. Let me call you sweetheart : I'm in love with you / music by Leo Friedman and words by Beth Slater Whitson. c1910.
140735 Ball, Ernest R., 1878-1927. A little bit of heaven : shure they call it Ireland / poem by J. Keirn Brennan ; music by Ernest R. Ball. c1914.
140736 Edwards, Gus, 1879-1945. In my merry oldsmobile : waltz song / words by Vincent Bryan ; music by Gus Edwards. ca. 1917, c1910.
141282 Schertzinger, Victor. Marchéta / poem & music [by] Victor L. Schertzinger. c1913.
141283 Friedman, Leo, 1869-1927. Meet me to-night in Dreamland / words by Beth Slater Whitson ; music by Leo Friedman. c1910.
141284 Mills, Kerry, 1869-1948. Meet me in St. Louis, Louis / words by Andrew B. Sterling ; music by Kerry Mills. c1904.
141285 Van Alstyne, Egbert, 1882-1951. Memories : song / lyric by Gustave Kahn ; music by Egbert Van Alstyne. c1915.
141286 Nevin, Ethelbert Woodbridge, 1862-1901. Mighty lak' a rose / words by Frank L. Stanton ; music by Ethelbert Nevin. c1901.
141287 The Missouri waltz / from an original melody procured by John Valentine Eppel ; arranged for piano by Frederic Knight Logan. c1914.
141288 Hush-a-bye, ma baby : the Missouri waltz : song / lyric by J.R. Shannon ; music from an original melody procured by John Valentine Eppel ; arr. for piano by Frederic Knight Logan. c1914.
141289 Wenrich, Percy, 1887-1952. Moonlight Bay : song / words by Edward Madden ; music by Percy Wenrich. c1912.
141290 Olcott, Chauncey, 1858-1932. Mother Machree / lyric by Rida Johnson Young ; music by Chauncey Olcott & Ernest R. Ball. c1910.
141291 Olcott, Chauncey, 1858-1932. Mother Machree / lyric by Rida Johnson Young ; music by Chauncey Olcott & Ernest R. Ball. c1910.
141307 Caryll, Ivan, 1861-1921. My beautiful lady / words by C.M.S. McLellan ; music by Ivan Caryll. c1911.
141308 Stromberg, John, 1853-1902. Ma blushin' Rosie : ma posie sweet / words by Edgar Smith ; music by John Stromberg. c1900.
141309 Dresser, Paul, 1858-1906. My gal Sal, or, They called her Frivolous Sal / by Paul Dresser. c1905.
141310 Olcott, Chauncey, 1858-1932. My wild Irish rose / words and music by Chauncey Olcott. c1899.
141311 Arndt, Felix, 1889-1918. Nola : a silhouette for the piano / Felix Arndt. c1916.
141312 Olman, Abe. Oh Johnny, oh Johnny, oh! / words by Ed. Rose ; music by Abe Olman. c1917
141313 Olman, Abe. Oh Johnny, oh Johnny, oh! / words by Ed. Rose ; music by Abe Olman. c1917
141314 Olman, Abe. Oh Johnny, oh Johnny, oh! / words by Ed. Rose ; music by Abe Olman. c1917.
141315 Ayer, Nat D., 1887-1952. Oh, you beautiful doll / words by A. Seymour Brown ; music by Nat. D. Ayer. c1911.
141316 Panella, Frank, 1878-1953. The old grey mare : The whiffle tree : one-step - two-step - march : piano solo / arr. by Frank Panella. c1915.
141317 Von Tilzer, Harry, 1872-1946. On a Sunday afternoon / words by Andrew B. Sterling ; music by Harry Von Tilzer. c1902.
141318 Dresser, Paul, 1858-1906. On the banks of the Wabash, far away : song & chorus / words and music by Paul Dresser. c1897.
141415 Kailimai, Henry. On the beach at Waikiki, or, The golden hula / words by G.H. Stover ; music by Henry Kailimai ; arranged by "Sonny" Cuhna. c1915.
141416 Speaks, Oley, 1876-1948. On the road to Mandalay / words by Rudyard Kipling ; music by Oley Speaks. 1908.
141417 Powell, Felix, 1878-1942. Pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag and smile, smile, smile / written by George Asaf ; composed by Felix Powell. c1915.
141418 Fisher, Fred, 1875-1942. Peg o' my heart / words by Alfred Bryan ; music by Fred Fischer. c1913.
141419 Jacobs-Bond, Carrie, 1862-1946. A perfect day : 'cello ob[b]ligato / words and music by Carrie Jacobs-Bond. c1910.
141420 Muir, Lewis F., 1884-1950. Play that barber shop chord / words by Wm. Tracey ; music by Lewis F. Muir. c. 1910.
141422 Hubbell, Raymond, 1879-1954. Poor butterfly / words by John L. Golden ; music by Raymond Hubbell. c1916.
141423 Pether, Henry E. Poor John / written by Fred W. Leigh ; composed by Henry E. Pether. c1906.
141424 Jackson, Tony, 1876-1921. Pretty baby / lyric by Gus Kahn ; music by Tony Jackson and Egbert Van Alstyne. c1916.
141425 Wenrich, Percy, 1887-1952. Put on your old grey bonnet / words by Stanley Murphy ; music by Percy Wenrich. c1909.
141426 Von Tilzer, Albert, 1878-1956. Put your arms around me, Honey : I never knew any girl like you / words by Junie McCree ; music by Albert Von Tilzer. c1910.
141427 Canning, Effie I. Rock-a-bye baby : song & lullaby / words & music by Effie I. Canning. c1886.
141428 Canning, Effie I. Rock-a-bye baby : song and lullaby / words and music by Effie I. Canning. c1886.
141458 Rock a bye baby and other rhymes. 188-?
141459 Schwartz, Jean, 1878-1956. Rock-a-bye your baby with a Dixie melody / words by Sam M. Lewis and Joe Young ; music by Jean Schwartz. c1918.
141460 Roll Jordan roll. c1862.
141461 Norton, George A. 'Round her neck she wears a yeller ribbon : (for her lover who is fur, fur away / words & music by Geo. A. Norton. c1917.
141462 Monaco, James V., 1885-1945. Row, row, row / words by William Jerome ; music by Jimmie V. Monaco. c1912.
141463 Jacobs-Bond, Carrie, 1862-1946. The smile songs / words and music by Carrie Jacobs-Bond. c1910.
141484 Kennedy, Harry. Say "Au revoir" but not "Good-bye" / words and music by Harry Kennedy. c1893.
141485 Lawlor, Chas. B. (Charles B.), 1852-1925. The sidewalks of New York : song and chorus / words and music by Chas. B. Lawlor and James W. Blake ; arr. by Chas. Miller. c1894.
141486 Lawlor, Chas. B. (Charles B.), 1852-1925. The sidewalks of New York : East Side, West Side / words and music by Chas. B. Lawlor and James W. Blake ; arr. by Harold Potter. c1928.
141487 Edwards, Gus, 1879-1945. School days : when we were a couple of kids / by Cobb & Edwards. c1907.
141488 Edwards, Gus, 1879-1945. School days : (when we were a couple of kids) / by Cobb & Edwards. c1907.
141489 Roberts, Lee S., 1884-1949. Smiles / lyric by J. Will Callahan ; music by Lee S. Roberts. c1917.
141490 Moya. Chanson du cœur brisé = The song of songs : melodie / paroles by Maurice Vaucaire ; English words by Clarence Lucas ; musique de Moya. c1914.
141491 King, Charles E., 1874-1950. Na lei o Hawaii = Song of the islands / Chas. E. King. c1915.
141492 Borel-Clerc, Charles, 1879-1959. La sorella : known also as La mattichiche and Polo : the celebrated march on Spanish themes / by Ch. Borel-Clerc ; edited by Robert E. Austin. c1906.
141493 Merson, Billy. The Spaniard that blighted my life / written and composed by Billy Merson. c1911.
141494 Steamboat Bill / words by Ren Shields ; music by Leighton Bros. c1910.
141495 Burnett, Ernie, 1884-1959. Steamboat rag / Ernie Burnett. c1914.
141496 Bullard, Frederic Field, 1864-1904. A stein song / [words by] Richard Hovey ; [music by] Frederic Field Bullard. c1898.
141497 Ray, Lilian. The sunshine of your smile / words by Leonard Cooke ; music by Lilian Ray. c1915.
141498 Klickmann, F. Henri (Frank Henri), 1885-1966. Sweet Hawaiian moonlight : (tell her of my love) : solo or duet / lyric by Harold G. Frost ; music by F. Henri Klickmann. c1918.
141499 Nugent, Maude, d. 1958. Sweet Rosie O'Grady : waltz song and chorus / written & composed by Maude Nugent. c1896.
141504 Sayers, Henry J. Ta-ra-ra boom-de-ay / original version written by Richard Morton ; music by Angelo A. Asher. 189-?
141505 Emmett, J. K. (Joseph K.), 1840-1891. Sweet violets / words and music composed by J.K. Emmet. c1882.
141506 Coben, Cy, 1919-2006. Sweet violets / by Cy Coben and Charles Grean. c1951.
141507 Stults, R. M. The sweetest story ever told / words and music by R.M. Stults. c1892.
141508 Vernor, F. Dudleigh, 1892- The sweetheart of Sigma Chi / words by Byron D. Stokes ; music by F. Dudleigh Vernor. 1922.
141509 Speaks, Oley, 1876-1948. Sylvia / [words by] Clinton Scollard ; [music by] Oley Speaks. c1914.
141510 Edwards, Gus, 1879-1945. Tammany : a pale face pow-wow / words by Vincent Bryan ; music by Gus Edwards. c1905.
141511 Sayers, Henry J. Ta-ra-ra boom-der-é / written by Henry J. Sayers for the minstrel farce comedy, Tuxedo ; song. c1891.
141512 Sayers, Henry J. Ta-ra-ra-boom-der-eé. 189-?
141513 Sayers, Henry J. Ta-ra-ra boom-de-ay! / written by Richard Morton ; music by Angelo A. Asher. 189-?
141564 Sayers, Henry J. Ta-ra-ra-boum : polka-marche / arrangée pour piano par Nathan Blum. 189-?
141565 Spencer, Alexander. Boom ta-ra! : song with chorus / [words and music] by Alexander Spencer. c1891.
141566 Maxstadt, Karl. Tschingtatara! / Text und Musik von Karl Maxstadt. 189-?
141567 Robledo, Julian. Three o'clock in the morning = (Las tres de la mañana) : waltz hesitation / by Julian Robledo. c1919.
141568 Robledo, Julian. Three o'clock in the morning : novelty waltz with chimes / by Julian Robledo. c1920.
141569 Robledo, Julian. Thrée [sic] o' clock in the morning = (Las tres de la mañana) : vals de las campanas = waltz hesitation / by Julian Robledo. 1958
141570 Robledo, Julian. Three o'clock in the morning = Drei Uhr morgens : Valse boston : Glocken-Walzer / Julian Robledo. c1919.
141571 Whiting, Richard A., 1891-1938. Till we meet again : song / lyric by Raymond B. Egan ; music by Richard A. Whiting. c1918.
141572 Shannon, J. R. (James Royce), 1881-1946. Too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ral : that's an Irish lullaby / words and music by J.R. Shannon. c1913.
141573 Bonnell, Otto. Turkey in the straw : a rag-time fantasie / by Otto Bonnell. c1904.
141574 Bowman, Euday L. (Euday Louis), 1887-1949. 12th St. rag / by Euday L. Bowman. c1915
141575 Browne, Ted. U.S. Marine Band march / Ted Browne. c1911.
141576 Caryll, Ivan, 1861-1921. Wait till the cows come home / words by Anne Caldwell ; music by Ivan Caryll. c1917.
141577 Von Tilzer, Harry, 1872-1946. Wait 'till the sun shines, Nellie / words by Andrew B. Sterling ; music by Harry Von Tilzer. c1905.
141578 Muir, Lewis F., 1884-1950. Waiting for the Robert E. Lee / words by L. Wolfe Gilbert ; music by Lewis F. Muir. c1912.
141579 Shields, Ren, 1868-1913. Waltz me around again Willie : ('round, 'round,'round) / words by Will D. Cobb ; music by Ren Shields. c1906.
141580 Jones, Isham, 1894-1956. We're in the army now / words by Tell Taylor & Ole Olsen. c1917.
141581 Van Alstyne, Egbert, 1882-1951. What's the matter with father : song / Williams and Van Alstyne. c1910.
141625 Ball, Ernest R., 1878-1927. When Irish eyes are smiling / lyric by Chauncey Olcott & Geo. Graff Jr ; music by Ernest R. Ball. c1912.
141626 Munro, Bill, d. 1969. When my baby smiles at me / words by Andrew B. Sterling and Ted Lewis ; music by Bill Munro. c1920.
141627 Munro, Bill, d. 1969. When my baby smiles at me / words by Andrew B. Sterling and Ted Lewis ; music by Bill Munro. c1920.
141628 Thornton, James, 1861-1938. When you were sweet sixteen : song and chorus / words & music by James Thornton. c1898.
141629 Wenrich, Percy, 1887-1952. When you wore a tulip and I wore a big red rose / words by Jack Mahoney ; music by Percy Wenrich. c1914.
141630 Sullivan, Joseph J. Where did you get that hat? / written & composed by Jos. J. Sullivan ; arr. by Wm. Loraine. c1888.
141631 Wenrich, Percy, 1887-1952. Where do we go from here? / by Howard Johnson and Percy Wenrich. c1917.
141632 Pryor, Arthur, 1870-1942. The whistler and his dog : caprice / Arthur Pryor. c1905
141633 Ball, Ernest R., 1878-1927. Will you love me in December as you do in May? / words by J.J. Walker ; music by Ernest R. Ball. c1905.
141634 Flynn, John H. Yip-i-addy-i-ay! / words by Will D. Cobb ; music by Jno. H. Flynn. c1908.
141635 Monaco, James V., 1885-1945. You made me love you : (I didn't want to do it) / words by Joe McCarthy ; music by James V. Monaco. c1913.
141636 Ayer, Nat D., 1887-1952. You're my baby / words by A. Seymour Brown ; music by Nat D. Ayer. c1912.
141637 Chaplin, Charlie, 1889-1977. With you, dear, in Bombay : novelty fox trot : ukulele arrangement / lyric and music by Charlie Chaplin. c1925.
141638 Ertl, Dominik, 1857-1911. Tra-ra-ra-bum-di-ree : Marsch : op. 118 / von Dominik Ertl ; humoristischer Text von R. Langhaxel. 190-?
141666 Ye A.E.F. hymnal : a collection of the doughboy lyrics that smoothed the road from Hoboken to the Rhine / drawings by Henry Mayers. 1919.
141667 Reeve, William, 1757-1815. The galley slave. 1794?
141668 Phile, Philip, d. 1793. Hail Columbia! : a patriotic song sung by Mr. Williamson with universal applause at the New York Theatre. between 1798 and 1801
141669 Phile, Philip, d. 1793. The presidents [sic] march : a new federal song. Yankee doodle. 1798?
141670 Hook, Mr. (James), 1746-1827. If a body loves a body / composed by Mr. Hook. 1797
143000 Rouget de Lisle, Claude Joseph, 1760-1836. The Marseilles hymn : in French & English. 1793
143001 O' dear what can the matter be : a favorite song or duett. 1793
143002 Cole's selection of favourite cotillions, arranged for the piano forte : with appropriate figures. No. [2]. 1824 or 1825
143003 Drunken sailor, or, Columbus. ca. 1825
143004 Friendship, love & wine : a round / the poetry by Mr. Ball ; adapted to three celebrated national waltzes. 1818?
143005 Sanderson, Mr. March & chorus in the dramatic romance of The Lady of the Lake / composed by Mr. Sanderson. between 1812 and 1814
143006 Sanderson, Mr. Wreaths for the chieftain / written by L.M. Sargent and sung by Mr. Huntington in the Stone Chapel, Boston, at the celebration of peace with Great Britain and the birth day of Genl. Washington, Feb. 22nd, 1815 ; adapted to a favorite air of Sanderson from the Lady of the Lake by F. Granger. 1815
143007 Boat song : from the admired poem of The Lady of the Lake / the music adapted from an ancient Perthshire hunting song, with chorus added ... by an amateur. 181-?
143008 Molly put the kettle on : a favorite rondo for the piano forte. 1807 or 1808
143009 Arnold, Samuel, 1740-1802. The way worn traveller : in The mountaineers / composed by Dr. Arnold. 1794
143015 Jackson, G. K. (George Knowil), 1757?-1822. A musical coalition : wherein the prevaling discords between America, France, & England are harmoniously adjusted : or, a humorous combination of their national airs ; N B, adapted for the piano forte and flute ; to which is added a musical parody / by Dr. G.K. Jackson. between 1807 and 1811
143016 St. Patrick's Day. between 1819 and 1831
143017 Nevin, Ethelbert Woodbridge, 1862-1901. The rosary / text by Robert Cameron Rogers ; music by Ethelbert Nevin. c1898.
143595 Gumbert, Ferdinand. Autograph letter signed, dated : Berlin, 25 June 1861, to Herr [Adolph?] Fürstner, 1861 June 25. 1861 June 25. MFC G974.F991
143596 Ketterer, Eugène, 1831-1870. Autograph letter signed, dated : Paris, 26 February 1862, to Ricordi in Milan, 1862 Feb. 26. 1862 Feb. 26. MFC K43.R541
143597 Joseffy, Rafael, 1852-1915. Autograph note signed on his visiting card : [n.p., n.d], to an unidentified director, [n.d.] no date MFC J83.X
143598 Jouatte, Georges, 1892-1969. Autograph letters signed (2, on being on two postcards), dated : [Paris], 22 January 1959, and [n.p., n.d], to Lise [Rueff], 1959 Jan. 22. 1959 Jan. 22. MLT J86.R919 (1-2)
147243 Powell, John, 1882-1963. "Banjo-picker" : autograph manuscript, 1913. 1913. Cary 163
150733 Haggart, Bob, 1914- What's new? / lyric by Johnny Burke ; music by Bob Haggart. c1939.
150734 Harline, Leigh. When you wish upon a star / lyric by Ned Washington ; music by Leigh Harline. c1940.
150735 Styne, Jule, 1905-1994. You'll never get away from me / words by Stephen Sondheim ; music by Jule Styne. c1959.
150736 Hallelujah, I'm a bum! / arr. by Jack Waite ; version by Jack Waite. c1928.
150737 Hill, Mildred J., 1859-1916. Happy birthday to you! / Mildred J. Hill. c1935.
150738 Ager, Milton, 1893-1979. Happy days are here again / words by Jack Yellen ; music by Milton Ager. c1929.
150739 Suesse, Dana, 1911-1987. Have you forgotten? / words by Leo Robin ; music by Dana Suesse. c1931.
150740 Adler, Richard, 1921-2012. Heart / words and music by Richard Adler and Jerry Ross. c1955.
150741 Hoffman, Al, 1902-1960. Heartaches / words by John Klenner ; music by Al Hoffman. c1931.
150742 Churchill, Frank, 1901-1942. Heigh-ho / words by Larry Morey ; music by Frank Churchill. c1938.
150743 Cleary, Michael, 1902-1954. Hello baby / lyric and music by Herb Magidson, Ned Washington and Michael H. Cleary. c1929; 1930.
150744 Green, Johnny, 1908- Hello, my lover, goodbye / lyrics by Edward Heyman ; music by John W. Green. c1931.
150745 Pinkard, Maceo, 1897-1962. Here comes the show boat / words by Billy Rose ; music by Maceo Pinkard. 1929 or later.
150746 Adler, Richard, 1921-2012. Hernando's hideaway / words and music by Richard Adler and Jerry Ross. c1954.
150747 Adler, Richard, 1921-2012. Hey there / words and music by Richard Adler and Jerry Ross. c1954.
150748 Kaper, Bronislau, 1902-1983. Hi-lili, hi-lo / words by Helen Deutsch ; music by Bronislau Kaper. c1952.
150749 Coleman, Cy, 1929-1983. Hey, look me over / lyric by Carolyn Leigh ; music by Cy Coleman. c1960.
150750 Owens, Jack. Hi, neighbor! / words and music by Jack Owens. c1941.
150751 Tiomkin, Dimitri. The high and the mighty / words by Ned Washington ; music by Dimitri Tiomkin. c1954.
150752 McHugh, Jimmy, 1894-1969. What has become of Hinky dinky Parlay Voo / by Al Dubin, Irving Mills, Jimmy McHugh & Irwin Dash. c1924.
150753 Ponce, Ethel. Holiday / Ethel Ponce. c1933.
150754 Rose, David, 1910-1990. Holiday for strings / by David Rose. c1943.
150755 Whiting, Richard A., 1891-1938. Honey. Fox-trot song / words and music by Seymour Simons, Haven Gillespie and Richard A. Whiting. c1928.
150756 Busse, Henry, 1895-1955. Hot lips. A blues fox trot song / words and music by Henry Busse, Henry Lange and Lou Davis. c1922.
150757 Whiting, Richard A., 1891-1938. Horses. Novelty fox trot song / words and music by byron Gay and Richard A. Whiting. c1926.
150758 Lane, Burton, 1912-1997 How are things in Glocca Morra / words by E. Y Harburg ; music by Burton Lane. c1946.
150759 Austin, Gene, 1900-1972. How come you do me like you do / Gene Austin and Roy Bergere. c1924.
150760 Johnstone, Tom. How dry I am / Book by Will. B. Johnstone ; music by Tom A. Johnstone. c1921.
150761 Lewis, Morgan, 1906-1968. How high the moon / words by Nancy Hamilton ; music by Morgan Lewis. c1940.
150762 Donaldson, Walter, 1893-1947. How 'ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm? (after they've seen Paree) / words by Sam M. Lewis and Joe Young ; music by Walter Donaldson. c1919.
150763 Owens, Jack. The hut-sut song. A Swedish serenade / lyric and music by Leo V. Killion, Ted McMichael, Jack Owens. c1941.
150764 Shirl, Jimmy. I believe / words and music by Ervin Drake, Irvin Graham, Jimmy Shirl and Al Stillman. c1952; 1953.
150765 Fain, Sammy, 1902-1989 I can dream, can't I? / words by Irving Kahal ; music by Sammy Fain. c1937.
150766 McHugh, Jimmy, 1894-1969. I can't give you anything but love / words and Dorothy Fields ; music by Jimmy McHugh. c1928.
150767 McHugh, Jimmy, 1894-1969. I can't give you anything but love / words and Dorothy Fields ; music by Jimmy McHugh. c1928.
150768 Warren, Harry, 1893-1981. I found a million dollar baby (in a five and ten cent store) / lyric by Billy Rose and Mort Dixon ; music by Harry Warren. c1931.
150769 Knight, Vick. I love coffee (I love tea) / by Vick Knight. c1943.
150770 Knight, Vick. I love coffee (I love tea) / by Vick Knight. c1943.
150771 Archer, Harry, 1888-1960. I love you / lyric by Harlan Thompson ; music by Harry Archer. c1923.
150772 Sullivan, Henry. I may be wrong but, I think you're wonderful! / words by Harry Ruskin ; music by Henry Sullivan. c1929.
150773 Warren, Harry, 1893-1981. I only have eyes for you / lyric by Al Dubin ; music by Harry Warren. c1934.
150774 Barris, Harry, 1905-1962. I surrender, dear / lyric by Gordon Clifford ; Melody by Harry Barris ; Arr. by Vern Elliott. c1931.
150775 Reichert, Gene. I talk about you / words by Gene Reichert ; music by Gene Reichert, James Fuld. c1948.
150776 Reichert, Gene. I talk about you / words by Gene Reichert ; music by Gene Reichert and James Fuld. c1948.
150777 Ruby, Harry. I wanna be loved by you / words by Bert Kalmar ; music by Herbert Stothart and Harry Ruby. c1928.
150778 Johnson, James P., 1891-1955. If I could be with you / by Henry Creamer and Jimmy Johnson c1926.
150779 Hoffman, Al, 1902-1960. If I knew you were comin' I'd 've baked a cake / by Al Hoffman, Bob Merrill and Clem Watts. c1950.
150780 Oakland, Ben, 1907-1979. If I love again / words by J. P. Murray ; music by Ben Oakland. c1932.
150781 Lane, Burton, 1912-1997 If this isn't love / words by E. Y. Harburg ; music by Burton Lane. c1946.
150782 De Sylva, B. G. (Buddy Gard), 1896-1950. If you knew Susie (like I know Susie) / by B. G. De Sylva. c1925.
150783 Fain, Sammy, 1902-1989 I'll be seeing you / words by Irving Kahal ; music by Sammy Fain. c1938.
150784 Von Tilzer, Albert, 1878-1956. I'll be with you in apple blossom time / words by Neville Fleeson ; Melody by Albert von Tilzer. c1920.
150785 Ahlert, Fred E., 1892-1953. I'll get by (as long as I have you) / words by Roy Turk ; music by Fred E. Ahlert. c1928.
150786 Woods, Harry, 1896-1970. I'll never say never again again / by Harry Woods. c1935.
150787 Lowe, Ruth, 1914-1981. I'll never smile again / words and music by Ruth Lowe. c1939.
150788 Jones, Isham, 1894-1956. I'll see you in my dreams / lyric by Gus Kahn ; music by Isham Jones. c1924.
150789 Oakland, Ben, 1907-1979. I'll take romance / words by Oscar Hammerstein, 2nd ; music by Ben Oakland. c1937.
150790 Sanders, George H. I'm a little teapot / words and music by Clarence Kelley, George H. Sanders. c1941.
150791 Mercer, Johnny, 1909-1976. I'm an old cowhand (from the Rio Grande) / words and music by Johnny Mercer. c1936.
150792 Ash, Frances. I'm gonna love that guy (like he's never been loved before) / words and music by Frances Ash. c1945.
150793 Ahlert, Fred E., 1892-1953. I'm gonna sit right down and write myself a letter / lyric by Joe Young ; music by Fred. E. Ahlert. c1935.
150794 McHugh, Jimmy, 1894-1969. I'm in the mood for love / lyric and melody by Jimmy McHugh and Dorothy Fields. c1935.
150795 Woods, Harry, 1896-1970. I'm looking over a four leaf clover / lyric by Mort Dixon ; music by Harry Woods. c1927.
150796 Woods, Harry, 1896-1970. I'm looking over a four leaf clover / lyric by Mort Dixon ; music by Harry Woods. c1927.
150797 Lerner, Sammy. I'm Popeye the sailor man / words and music by Sammy Lerner. c1934.
150798 Henderson, Ray, 1896-1971. I'm sitting on top of the world (just rolling along just rolling along) / lyrics by Lewis and Young ; music by Ray Henderson. c1925.
150799 Malneck, Matt, 1904- I'm thru with love / words by Gus Kahn ; music by Matt Malneck and Fud Livingston. c1931.
150800 Churchill, Frank, 1901-1942. I'm wishing / words by Larry Morey ; music by Frank Churchill. c1937.
150801 Van Heusen, Jimmy, 1913-1990. Imagination / words by Johnny Burke ; music by Jimmy Van Heusen. c1940.
150802 Leigh, Mitch, 1928-2014. The impossible dream / lyric by Joe Darion ; music by Mitch Leigh. c1965.
150803 Wayne, Mabel, 1904- In a little Spanish town ('twas on a night like this) / lyric by Lewis and Young ; music by Mabel Wayne. c1926.
150804 Scott, Raymond, 1908-1994. In an eighteenth century drawing room / words by Jack Lawrence ; music by Raymond Scott. c1939.
150805 Garland, Joe, 1903-1977. In the mood / by Joe Garland. c1939; 1940.
150806 Tierney, Harry, 1890-1965. Irene / lyrics by Joseph McCarthy. Music by Harry Tierney. c1919.
150807 Tierney, Harry, 1890-1965. Irene / lyrics by Joseph McCarthy. Music by Harry Tierney. c1919.
150808 Marks, Gerald, 1900- Is it true what they say about Dixie? / by Irving Caesar, Sammy Lerner & Gerald Marks. c1936.
150809 Gròsz, Will. Isle of Capri / words by Jimmy Kennedy ; music by Will Gròsz. c1934.
150810 Hall, Wendell, 1896-1969. It ain't gonna rain no mo' / by Wendell Hall. c1923.
150811 Van Heusen, Jimmy, 1913-1990. It could happen to you / words by Johnny Burke ; music by Jimmy Van Heusen. c1944.
150812 Jones, Isham, 1894-1956. It had to be you / lyric by Gus Kahn ; music by Isham Jones. c1924.
150813 Barris, Harry, 1905-1962. It was so beautiful / lyric by Arthur Freed ; Melody by Harry Barris. c1932.
150814 Barbour, Dave. It's a good day / by Peggy Lee and Dave Barbour. c1946.
150815 Levinson, Jerry, 1909- It's the talk of the town / words by Marty Symes & Al. J. Neiburg ; music by Jerry Levinson. c1933.
150816 Link, Harry. I've got a feeling I'm falling / words by Billy Rose ; music by Harry Link & Thomas Waller. c1929.
150817 Stoller, Mike. Hound dog / words and music by Jerry Leiber & Mike Stoller. c1956.
150818 Donaldson, Walter, 1893-1947. How 'ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm? (after they've seen Paree) / words by Sam M. Lewis and Joe Young ; music by Walter Donaldson. c1919.
150819 Wilder, Alec, 1907-1980. I'll be around / by Alec Wilder. c1942.
150820 Daniel, Eliot. I love Lucy / lyric by Harold Adamson ; music by Eliot Daniel. c1953.
150821 Durante, Jimmy. Inka dinka doo / by Jimmie Schnozzle Durante, Ben Ryan and Harry Donnelly. c1933.
150822 Garland, Joe, 1903-1977. In the mood / words by Andy Razaf ; music by Joe Garland. c1939.
150823 Wilder, Alec, 1907-1980. It's so peaceful in the country / words and music by Alec Wilder. c1941.
150824 Styne, Jule, 1905-1994. I've heard that song before / words and music by Jule Styne, Sammy Cahn. c1942.
150825 Carleton, Bob, 1896-1956. Ja-da (ja da, ja da, jing jing jing!) / words and music by Bob Carleton. c1918.
150826 Whiting, Richard A., 1891-1938. The Japanese sandman / Told by Raymond B. Egan ; Set to music by Richard A. Whiting. c1920.
150827 Oakland, Ben, 1907-1979. Java jive / words by Milton Drake ; music by Ben Oakland. c1940.
150828 Warren, Harry, 1893-1981. Jeepers creepers / lyric by Johnny Mercer ; music by Harry Warren. c1938.
150829 Rainger, Ralph, 1901-1942. June in January / words and music by Leo Robin and Ralph Rainger. c1934.
150830 Hanley, James F. (James Frederick), 1892-1942. Just a cottage small (by a waterfall) / words by B. G. De Sylva ; music by James F. Hanley. c1925.
150831 Campbell, Jimmy, 1903-1967. Just an echo in the valley / by Harry Woods, Jimmy Campbell, Reg. Connelly. c1932.
150832 Styne, Jule, 1905-1994. Just in time / words by Betty Comden and Adolph Green ; music by Jule Styne. c1956.
150833 Tierney, Harry, 1890-1965. The kinkajou / lyric by Joseph McCarthy ; music by Harry Tierney. c1926.
150834 Confrey, Zez, 1895-1971. Kitten on the keys / Zez Confrey. c1921.
150835 Confrey, Zez, 1895-1971. Kitten on the keys / Zez Confrey. c1921.
150836 Wrubel, Allie, 1905-1973. The lady in red / lyric by Mort Dixon ; music by Allie Wrubel. c1935.
150837 Hill, Billy, 1899-1940. The last round-up / by Billy Hill (George Brown). c1933.
150838 Raksin, David, 1912- Laura / lyric by Johnny Mercer ; music by David Raksin. c1945.
150839 Garson, Mort. Left right out of your heart (Hi-lee hi-lo hi-lup-up-up). / words by Earl Shuman ; music by Mort Garson. c1958.
150840 Owens, Harry. Leilani / words and music by Harry Owens. c1936.
150841 Fain, Sammy, 1902-1989 Let a smile be your umbrella on a rainy day / words by Irving Kahal and Francis Wheeler ; music by Sammy Fain. c1927.
150842 Dennis, Matt, 1914-2002. Let's get away from it all / lyric by Tom Adair ; music by Matt Dennis. c1941.
150843 Hupfeld, Herman, 1894-1951. Let's put out the lights (and go to sleep) / words and music by Herman Hupfeld. c1932.
150844 Lawrence, Jack, 1912- Linda / words and music by Jack Lawrence. c1946.
150845 Rose, Vincent, 1880-1944. Linger awhile / words by Harry Owens ; music by Vincent Rose. c1923.
150846 Burke, Joe, 1884-1950. A little bit independent / words by Edgar Leslie ; music by Joe Burke. c1935.
150847 Woods, Harry, 1896-1970. A little kiss each morning (a little kiss each night) / words and music by Harry Woods. c1929.
150848 Malotte, Albert Hay, 1895-1964. The Lord's prayer / Albert Hay Malotte. c1935.
150849 Whiting, Richard A., 1891-1938. Louise / words by Leo Robin ; music by Richard A. Whiting. c1929.
150850 Bowman, Brooks, 1913-1937. Love and a dime / words and music by Brooks Bowman. c1935.
150851 Rainger, Ralph, 1901-1942. Love in bloom / words and music by Leo Robin and Ralph Rainger. c1934.
150852 Fain, Sammy, 1902-1989 Love is a many-splendored thing / lyric by Paul Francis Webster ; music by Sammy Fain. c1955.
150853 Gensler, Lewis E., 1896-1978. Love is just around the corner / words and music by Leo Robin and Lewis E. Gensler. c1934.
150854 Poulton, George R. Love me tender / words and music by Elvis Presley & Vera Matson. c1956.
150855 Hirsch, Louis, 1887-1924. The love nest / words by Otto Harbach ; music by Louis A. Hirsch. c1920.
150856 Revel, Harry, 1905-1958. Love thy neighbor / lyric by Mack Gordon ; music by Harry Revel. c1934.
150857 Handy, W. C. (William Christopher), 1873-1958. Loveless love / W. C. Handy. c1921; 1929.
150858 Shearing, George. Lullaby of birdland / words by B. Y. Forster ; music by George Shearing. c1952.
150859 Warren, Harry, 1893-1981. Lullaby of Broadway / lyric by Al Dubin ; music by Harry Warren. c1935.
150860 Petkere, Bernice, 1906-2000. Lullaby of the leaves / Music by Bernice Petkere ; words by Joe Young. c1932.
150861 Conrad, Con, 1891-1938. Ma / lyric by Sidney Clare ; music by Con Conrad. c1921.
150862 Livingston, Jerry. Mairzy doats / words and music by Milton Drake, Al Hoffman, Jerry Livingston. c1943.
150863 Styne, Jule, 1905-1994. Make someone happy / words by Betty Comden and Adolph Green ; music by Jule Styne. c1960.
150864 Goulding, Edmund. Mam'selle / lyric by Mack Gordon ; music by Edmund Goulding. c1947.
150865 Leigh, Mitch, 1928-2014. Man of La Mancha (I, Don Quixote) / lyric by Joe Darion ; music by Mitch Leigh. c1965.
150866 O'Keefe, Walter. The man on the flying trapeze / Walter O'Keefe. c1933.
150867 Alter, Louis, 1902-1980. Manhattan serenade / Louis Alter. c1928.
150868 Conrad, Con, 1891-1938. Margie / lyric by Benny Davis ; music by Con Conrad and J. Russel Robinson. c1920.
150869 Jolson, Al, 1886-1950. Me and my shadow / words by Billy Rose ; music by Al Jolson and Dave Dreyer. c1927.
150870 Ahlert, Fred E., 1892-1953. Mean to me / by Roy Turk & Fred. E. Ahlert. c1929.
150871 Conrad, Con, 1891-1938. Memory lane / words by B. G. De Sylva. Music by Larry Spier and Con Conrad. c1924.
150872 Tenney, Jack. Mexicali rose (Mexicali rosa) / words by Helen Stone ; music by Jack B. Tenney ; Spanish translation by Manuel Sanchez de Lara. c1923; 1935.
150873 Barris, Harry, 1905-1962. Mississippi mud / words and music by Harry Barris. c1927.
150874 Ballard, Pat, 1899-1960 Mister Sandman / words and music by Pat Ballard. c1954.
150875 Rainger, Ralph, 1901-1942. Moanin' low / words by Howard Dietz ; music by Ralph Rainger. c1929.
150876 Hudson, Will, 1908- Moonglow / by Will Hudson, Eddie de Lange & Irving Mills. c1934.
150877 Lemare, Edwin. Moonlight and roses (bring mem'ries of you) / by Edwin H. Lemare, Ben Black & Neil Morét. c1925.
150878 Myers, Sherman. Moonlight on the Ganges / words by Chester Wallace ; music by Sherman Myers. c1926.
150879 Dylan, Bob, 1941- Mr. Tambourine man / words and music by Bob Dylan. c1964; 1965.
150880 Simon, Paul, 1941. Mrs. Robinson / words and music by Paul Simon. c1968.
150881 Farley, Edward, 1905- The music goes 'round and around / lyrics by Red Hodgson ; music by Edward Farley and Michael Riley. c1935.
150882 Ory, Edward, 1886-1973. Muskrat ramble / words by Ray Gilbert ; music by Edward Kid Ory. c1926; 1937; 1950.
150883 Noble, Johnny. My little grass shack in Kealakekua, Hawaii / words and music by Bill Cogswell, Tommy Harrison & Johnny Noble. c1933; 1934.
150884 Schertzinger, Victor, 1890-1941. My love parade / words by Clifford Grey ; music by Victor Schertzinger. c1929.
150885 Yvain, Maurice, 1891-1965. My man (mon homme) / Paroles de Albert Willemetz and Jacques Charles ; English lyric by Channing Pollock ; Musique de Maurice Yvain. c1920; 1921.
150886 Clinton, Larry, 1909-1985. My reverie / melody based on Claude Debussy's Reverie ; by Larry Clinton. c1938.
150887 Suesse, Dana, 1911-1987. My silent love / words by Edward Heyman ; music by Dana Suesse. c1932.
150888 Sullivan, Henry. My temptation / American lyrics by Al Dubin ; words and music by Henry Sullivan & Desmond Carter. c1933.
150889 Dance, Leo. My time is your time / words by Eric Little ; music by Leo Dance. c1924.
150890 Merrill, Bob, 1921- My truly, truly fair / words and music by Bob Merrill. c1951.
150891 Gardner, Don. All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth / words and music by Don Gardner. c1948.
150892 Greer, Jesse, 1896-1970. Just you, just me / lyric by Raymond Klages ; music by Jesse Greer. c1929.
150893 McHugh, Jimmy, 1894-1969. Keep on croonin' a tune / by Sammy Fain, Irving Weill, and Jimmy McHugh. c1925.
150894 Styne, Jule, 1905-1994. A little girl from Little Rock / lyrics by Leo Robin ; music by Jule Styne. c1949.
150895 Handy, W. C. (William Christopher), 1873-1958. Loveless love / W. C. Handy. c1921.
150896 Miller, Glenn, 1904-1944. Moonlight serenade / lyric by Mitchell Parish ; music by Glenn Miller. c1939.
150897 Warren, Harry, 1893-1981. Nagasaki / by Mort Dixon and Harry Warren. c1928.
150898 Ahbez, Eden, 1908-1995. Nature boy / by Eden Ahbe [sic]. c1946.
150899 Yablokoff, Herman. Papirossen (cigarettes) / Arranged by J. Estella & F. Carbone ; by Herman Yablokoff. c1957.
150900 Lane, Burton, 1912-1997 Necessity / words by E. Y. Harburg ; music by Burton Lane. c1946.
150901 Ruby, Harry. Nevertheless I'm in love with you / words and music by Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruby. c1931.
150902 Silver, Abner, 1899- No! No! A thousand times no!! A melodrama in song / by Al Sherman, Al Lewis and Abner Silver. c1934.
150903 Schoebel, Elmer, 1896-1970. Nobody's sweetheart / by Gus Kahn, Ernie Erdman, Billy Meyers & Elmer Schoebel. c1924.
150904 Sherman, Al, 1897-1973. Now's the time to fall in love / by Al Sherman and Al Lewis. c1931.
150905 Grier, Jimmie, 1902-1959. The object of my affection / by Pinky Tomlin, Coy Poe & Jimmie Grier. c1934.
150906 Von Tilzer, Albert, 1878-1956. Oh by jingo! Oh by gee! You're the only girl for me / words by Lew Brown ; music by Albert Von Tilzer. c1919.
150907 Shean, Al, 1868-1949. Mister Gallagher and Mister Shean / Positively Mister Gallagher. Absolutely Mister Shean ; by themselves about themselves. c1922.
150908 Lane, Burton, 1912-1997 Old devil moon / words by E. Y. Harburg ; music by Burton Lane. c1946.
150909 Warren, Harry, 1893-1981. On the Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe / lyric by Johnny Mercer ; music by Harry Warren. c1945.
150910 Whiting, Richard A., 1891-1938. On the good ship lollipop / words and music by Sidney Clare and Richard A. Whiting. c1934.
150911 McHugh, Jimmy, 1894-1969. On the sunny side of the street / lyric by Dorothy Fields ; music by Jimmy McHugh. c1930.
150912 Whiting, Richard A., 1891-1938. One hour with you / words by Leo Robin ; music by Richard A. Whiting. c1932.
150913 Churchill, Frank, 1901-1942. One song / words by Larry Morey ; music by Frank Churchill. c1937.
150914 Hudson, Will, 1908- Organ grinder's swing / words by Mitchell Parish and Irving Mills ; music by Will Hudson ; Arr. by Lou Leaman. c1936.
150915 Hermann, Florian. [Ochi cherniya.] Dark eyes / English lyrics by Joseph Kammen ; Piano arrangement by Jack Kammen. c1929.
150916 Hermann, Florian. Dark eyes / translated from the Russian by Avrahm Yarmolinsky ; adapted for voice by M. I. Wavitch ; music by A. Salama. c1922.
150917 Zwei russische Romanzen / Zwei Gitarren / Schwarze Augen / (Zigeunerromanze) / Piano / mit übergelegtem Text / ... / Einzel Ausgabe. no date
150918 Alter, Louis, 1902-1980. Overnight / lyric by Billy Rose and Charlotte Kent ; music by Louis Alter. c1930.
150919 Brown, Nacio Herb, 1896-1964. Pagan love song / lyric by Arthur Freed ; music by Nacio Herb Brown. c1929.
150920 Logan, Frederic Knight, 1871-1928. Pale moon. An Indian love song. / lyric by Jesse G. M. Glick ; music by Frederic Knight Logan. c1920.
150921 Styne, Jule, 1905-1994. Papa, won't you dance with me? / lyric by Sammy Cahn ; music by Jule Styne. c1947.
150922 Brown, Nacio Herb, 1896-1964. Paradise / lyric by Nacio Herb Brown and Gordon Clifford ; music by Nacio Herb Brown. c1931.
150923 Malneck, Matt, 1904- Park Avenue fantasy / Matt Malneck and Frank Signorelli ; Piano arrangement by D. Savino. c1935.
150924 Gould, Morton, 1913-1996. Pavanne / Morton Gould c1938.
150925 Johnston, Arthur, 1898-1954. Pennies from heaven / words by John Burke. Music by Arthur Johnston. c1936.
150926 Styne, Jule, 1905-1994. People / words by Bob Merrill ; music by Jule Styne. c1963; 1964.
150927 Dexter, Al. Pistol packin' mama / by Al Dexter. c1943.
150928 Deutsch, Emery, 1906-1997. Play fiddle play. Enchanting Viennese waltz / lyric by Jack Lawrence ; music by Emery Deutsch & Arthur Altman ; Arr. by J. Rosamond Johnson. c1932.
150929 Rainger, Ralph, 1901-1942. Please / words by Leo Robin ; music by Ralph Rainger. c1932.
150930 Simon, Nat. Poinciana (Song of the tree) / English lyrics by Buddy Bernier ; Spanish lyric by Manuel Lliso ; music by Nat Simon ; Arranged by Helmy Kresa. c1936.
150931 Massey, Guy. The prisoner's song / Guy Massey. c1924.
150932 Jenkins, Gordon, 1910- P.S. I love you / lyrics by Johnny Mercer ; music by Gordon Jenkins. c1934.
150933 Ager, Milton, 1893-1979. Rain or shine / lyric by Jack Yellen ; music by Milton Ager. c1928.
150934 Wayne, Mabel, 1904- Ramona / lyric by L. Wolfe Gilbert ; music by Mabel Wayne. 1928 or later.
150935 Tierney, Harry, 1890-1965. The ranger's song (The march of the rangers) / lyric by Joseph McCarthy ; music by Harry Tierney. c1926.
150936 Red River Valley / by E. V. Body ; Guitar arr. by John Tait. c1931.
150937 Williams, Hugh. Red sails in the sunset / lyric by Jimmy Kennedy ; music by Hugh Williams (Will Gròsz). c1935.
150938 Tierney, Harry, 1890-1965. Rio Rita / lyric by Joseph McCarthy ; music by Harry Tierney. c1926.
150939 Freedman, Max C. (We're gonna) Rock around the clock / words and music by Max C. Freedman and Jimmy De Knight. c1953.
150940 Sullavan, Jeri. Rum and Coca-Cola / lyric by Morey Amsterdam ; music by Jeri Sullavan and Paul Baron. c1944.
150941 Patterson, Massi. Calypso songs of the West Indies / by Massie Patterson and Lionel Belasco ; English version by Olga Paul ; Free transcription by Maurice Baron. c1943.
150942 Quadling, Lew. Sam's song. The happy tune / words by Jack Elliott ; music by Lew Quadling. c1950.
150943 Foresythe, Reginald, 1907-1958. Serenade for a wealthy widow / lyrics by Dorothy Fields and Jimmy McHugh ; Reginald Foresythe. c1934.
150944 Anderson, Leroy, 1908-1975. Serenata / Leroy Anderson. c1949; 1950.
150945 Willson, Meredith, 1902-1984 Seventy six trombones / by Meredith Willson. c1957.
150946 Warren, Harry, 1893-1981. Shadow waltz / words by Al Dubin ; music by Harry Warren. c1933.
150947 Hughes, E. Skidmore. Shapiro, Townsend and Stone / words by Joe White ; music by E. Skidmore Hughes. c1941.
150948 Silver, Abner, 1899- Shave and a hair cut / by Abner Silver & Eddie Maxwell. 1933.
150949 Lee, Lester. Shave and a haircut - shampoo / by Dan Shapiro, Lester Lee and Milton Berle. c1939.
150950 Snyder, Ted, 1881-1965. The Sheik of Araby / words by Harry B. Smith & Francis Wheeler ; music by Ted Snyder. c1921.
150951 Warren, Harry, 1893-1981. She's a Latin from Manhattan / lyric by Al Dubin ; music by Harry Warren. c1935.
150952 Morét, Neil, 1878-1943. I got a woman, crazy for me: she's funny that way / words by Richard A. Whiting ; music by Neil Morét. c1928.
150953 Dabney, Ford T., 1883-1958. Shine / words by Cecil Mack and Lew Brown ; music by Ford Dabney. c1924.
150954 King, Irving. Show me the way to go home / by Irving King. c1925.
150955 Woods, Harry, 1896-1970. Side by side / words and music by Harry Woods. c1927.
150956 Rome, Harold, 1908-1993 Sing me a song with social significance / words and music by Harold J. Rome. c1937.
150957 Hupfeld, Herman, 1894-1951. Sing something simple / words and music by Herman Hupfeld. c1930.
150958 Burton, Val, 1899- Singing a vagabond song / by Harry Richman, Al Messenheimer & Val Burton. c1930.
150959 Brown, Nacio Herb, 1896-1964. Singin' in the rain / lyric by Arthur Freed ; music by Nacio Herb Brown. c1929.
150960 Endsley, Melvin. Singing the blues / by Melvin Endsley. c1954.
150961 Whiting, Richard A., 1891-1938. Sleepy time gal / lyric by Jos. R. Alden & Raymond B. Egan ; music by Ange Lorenzo & Richard A. Whiting. c1925.
150962 Anderson, Leroy, 1908-1975. Sleigh ride / Leroy Anderson. c1948.
150963 Adler, Richard, 1921-2012. Small talk / words and music by Richard Adler and Jerry Ross. c1954.
150964 Chaplin, Charlie, 1889-1977. Smile / lyric by John Turner and Geoffrey Parsons ; music by Charles Chaplin. c1954; 1961.
150965 Penn, Arthur A. Smilin' through / lyric and music by Arthur A. Penn. c1919.
150966 Gifford, H. Eugene, 1908-1970. Smoke rings / lyric by Ned Washington ; music by H. Eugene Gifford. c1933.
150967 Ballard, Pat, 1899-1960. So beats my heart for you / by Pat Ballard, Charles Henderson and Tom Waring. c1930.
150968 Herst, Jerry. So rare / words by Jack Sharpe ; music by Jerry Herst. c1937.
150969 Bloom, Rube. Soliloquy (a musical thought) / by Rube Bloom. c1926; 1927.
150970 Churchill, Frank, 1901-1942. Some day my prince will come (some day I'll find my love) / words by Larry Morey ; music by Frank Churchill. c1937.
150971 Wood, Leo. Somebody stole my gal / by Leo Wood. c1922.
150972 Wood, Leo. Somebody stole my gal / by Leo Wood. c1922.
150973 Mercer, Johnny, 1909-1976. Something's gotta give / words and music by Johnny Mercer. c1954; 1955.
150974 Jarre, Maurice, 1924- Somewhere, my love / lyric by Paul Francis Webster ; music by Maurice Jarre. c1965; 1966.
150975 Auric, Georges, 1899-1983. The song from Moulin Rouge (where is your heart) / lyric by William Engvick ; music by Georges Auric. c1953.
150976 Hudson, Will, 1908- Sophisticated swing / words by Mitchell Parish ; music by Will Hudson. c1936.
150977 Duckworth, Willie Lee, 1924-2004. Sound off (Duckworth chant) / by Willie Lee Duckworth. c1940; 1941.
150978 Rome, Harold, 1908-1993 South America, take it away! / words and music by Harold Rome. c1946.
150979 McHugh, Jimmy, 1894-1969. South American way / lyric by Al Dubin ; music by Jimmy McHugh. c1939.
150980 Jones, Isham, 1894-1956. Spain / lyric by Gus Kahn ; music by Isham Jones. c1924.
150981 Wechter, Julius. Spanish flea / lyric by Cissy Wechter ; music by Julius Wechter. c1965; 1966.
150982 Denniker, Paul, 1897- S'posin' / words by Andy Razaf ; music by Paul Denniker. c1929.
150983 Primrose, Joe. St. James infirmary / by Joe Primrose. c1930.
150984 Malneck, Matt, 1904- Stairway to the stars. Melody based on a theme from Park Avenue Fantasy. / lyric by Mitchell Parish ; music by Matt Malneck, Frank Signorelli. c1935; 1939.
150985 Perkins, Frank S., 1908-1988. Stars fell on Alabama / words by Mitchell Parish ; music by Frank Perkins. c1934.
150986 Revel, Harry, 1905-1958. Stay as sweet as you are / lyric and music by Mack Gordon and Harry Revel. c1934.
150987 Goodman, Benny, 1909-1986. Stompin' at the Savoy / Benny Goodman, Chick Webb, Edgar Sampson ; Lyric by Andy Razaf. c1936.
150988 Wright, Robert, 1914-2005 Stranger in paradise / words and music by Robert Wright and George Forrest. c1953.
150989 Newman, Alfred, 1900-1970. Street scene / by Alfred Newman ; Piano arrangement by D. Savino. c1933.