In the right margin of p. 1: "Pirata--Autografo di Vincenzo Bellini, donato mi dall'avvo. Fran/cesco Chiarenza il 23 febbo. 1886.--Prof. AAmore."
Sketches for the "Introduzione" of Act I, beginning with the words "[la] speme contrasta con l'onde" (p. 22 in the first-edition piano-vocal score), and ending with "la nobil signora" (first edition, p. 25), followed by two variant settings of "notizia del caso ... la nobil signora."
On staff 14 of the recto is a draft of Gualtiero's "la mia vita omai dipende da Imogene ..." from the opening number of the opera (first edition, p. 36).
Libretto by F. Romani.
Romani, Felice, 1788-1865, librettist.
Chiarenza, Francesco, former owner.
Amore, Antonio, former owner.
Getty, Gordon, donor.
Lovett, Laurence D., donor.