Ms. antiphonary single leaf (cutting); written and illuminated in Italy, probably Milan, ca. 1500.
Decoration: 1 historiated initial I(ste sunt dies) for the first Matins response for Passion Sunday, depicting Christ about to be stoned by townsmen at the threshold of a synagogue; Italian Renaissance style.
Text: on verso: Die si vocem Domini Nolite o; the historiated initial I(ste sunt dies) opens the first Matins response for Passion Sunday.
M.1090, cut from an antiphonary and M.725, cut from a gradual, probably come from the same set of choir books commissioned for the Olivetan monastery of SS Michele e Niccolò at Vilanova-Silaro (near Lodi).
Musical notation: 4-line red staves, square notes.
Artist: Master B. F., sometimes identified as Francesco Binasco.