The inscription, penned by the artist himself, quotes (with some modifications) a verse from the 1808 poem “Til Justitsråd Pram” by the Danish pastor, politician, and poet N. F. S. Grundtvig (1783-1872).The poem served as a preamble to one of Grundtvig's works on Norse mythology, titled "Nordens Mytologi eller Udsigt over Eddalæren for dannede Mænd der ei selv ere Mytologe" (Old Norse Mythology, or A Survey of the Teachings of the Edda for Educated Men Who Are Not Mythologists). The inscription translates as: “Of the struggle of the North a huge stone should speak - its magnificence is understood by profound sensibility - Grundtvig." The Morgan is grateful to Freyda Spira for her help in cataloguing this drawing.
Dated and monogrammed in lower right corner, in pen and black ink: "18 JTL [in ligature] 44." Inscribed along the lower margin, in pen and black ink: “Om Nordens Kamp bør en Kampe-Steen tale - dens Herlighed fattes af dybere Sans. - -Grundtvig”
Thaw, Eugene Victor, former owner.
Thaw, Clare, former owner.
Thaw Catalogue Raisonné, 2017, no. 247, repr.