Gravelot's design is preparatory for an illustration to Act III, Scene IV of Fenouillot de Falbaire de Quingey's tragedy “Les Jammabos, ou, Les Moines Japonais”, as published in his “Oeuvres” (Paris : Veuve Duchesne, 1787, facing p. 52). It is one of two preparatory drawings, along with 1963.13:14, for the illustration engraved by Charles Le Vasseur (1734-1816). Six further drawings in the collection depict five further compositions for the same play (see 1963.13:11, 1963.13.12, 1963.13:13, 1963.13:14, 1963.13:15, and 1963.13:16). According to Ruth Kraemer, “Only two of Gravelot's designs were engraved and appeared in the 1787 two-volume edition of the author's complete works. Although published fourteen years after his death, Gravelot may have worked on these drawings during the last years of his life.”
Fourquevaux, Joseph de Beccarie de Pavie, marquis de, 1762-1841, former owner.
Bocher, Emmanuel, 1835-1919, former owner.
Olry-Roederer, Léon, 1869-1932, former owner.
Rosenbach, A. S. W. (Abraham Simon Wolf), 1876-1952, former owner.
Fleming, John F. (John Francis), 1910-1987, former owner.
Kraemer, Ruth S. "Drawings by Gravelot in the Morgan Library." Master drawings, XX (Spring 1982), p. 13, no. 40.