Once published as by the Florentine artist Alessandro del Barbiere, the drawing entered the collection with an attribution to Giovanni Battista Naldini.1 However, the ductus and figure types are more Sienese than Florentine, and the artist may be the Sienese Alessandro Casolani.
- Washington and New York 1973-74, 40-41, no. 30.
Watermark: none visible through lining.
Formerly attributed to and acquired as Giovanni Battista Naldini, Fiesole ca. 1537-1591 Florence; Alessandro Fei, called Alessandro del Barbiere (ca. 1538/43-1592).
Naldini, Giovanni Battista, 1537-1591, Formerly attributed to.
Saint-Saphorin, Armand-François-Louis de Mestral de, 1738-1805, former owner.
Reichlen, former owner.
Marmier, André, former owner.
Scholz, János, former owner.
Selected references: Oakland and Berkeley 1961, no. 56 (as Naldini); Notre Dame 1967, no. 34 (as Naldini); Washington and New York 1973-74, 40-41, no. 30 (as Alessandro del Barbiere).
Oberhuber, Konrad, and Dean Walker. Sixteenth Century Italian Drawings From the Collection of János Scholz. Washington, D.C. : National Gallery of Art ; New York : Pierpont Morgan Library, 1973, p. 40-41, no. 30, repr.