This manuscript catalogue of the paintings and drawings of the famous eighteenth-century collector Jean de Jullienne (1686-1766) contains 144 leaves (first and last four leaves are blank) with small watercolor illustrations showing where they hung in his Paris house. It was compiled by Jean-Baptiste-François de Montullé (1721-1787), Jullienne's cousin who was his successor in the family business and his residuary legatee. The catalogue can be dated about 1756 on the basis of the compiler's comment in connection with a picture by Oudry that the artist died recently, as Oudry died in April 1755. It includes a frontispiece of small cupids representing the Arts (after Boucher?) with monogram DJ; a title-page; a preface signed "Montullé"; a plan of the appartments; a list of 367 paintings and drawings interspersed with forty-two plates (no. 31 folding, no. 30 missing) showing elevations of walls hung with framed paintings and drawings, 152 of which are represented in miniature; a chronological table of the artists and their paintings divided into Italian, Flemish, and French schools; and an index of artists.
Watermark: page 10. Crown over shield, fragment.
Watermark: page 92. Lower half of fleur-de-lis in shield, surmounted by crown, over letters "VDL", (Strasbourg lily).
Watermark: page 138. Crown over shield, fragment.
Jullienne, Jean de, 1686-1766.
Montullé, Jean-Baptiste François de, 1721-1787.
Gott, John, 1830-1906, former owner.
Fenaille, Maurice, former owner.
Panafieu, de, Monsieur former owner.
Pierpont Morgan Library. Review of Acquisitions, 1949-1968. New York : Pierpont Morgan Library, 1969, p. 146.
Adams, Frederick B., Jr., ed. Fifteenth Report to the Fellows of the Pierpont Morgan Library, 1967 & 1968. New York : Pierpont Morgan Library, 1969, p. 111.
Denison, Cara D. French Drawings, 1550-1825. New York : Pierpont Morgan Library, 1984, no. 126.