"Relatively few linear-style seals depict worship of deities. As part of the act of worship, in 678, 680, 681, the worshiper seems to be throwing incense into the flames of an altar before the deity. In 678 the deity is seated in a high-backed chair. However, the more usual renditions of worshiping scenes in this style show the deity standing in a nimbus of stars (679-683). It seems likely that the deity here depicted is Ishtar, since a star nimbus seems to be among the specific attributes of this divinity in her manifestation as the predominant star goddess... Seals 678 and 679 are larger than the others of this group and may therefore belong to the early part of the ninth century. Moreover, in 678 the winged genius holding a pollen basket corresponds with numerous representations in the reliefs of Ashurnasirpal II, while in 679 the nimbus of the deity is rendered by means of short hatches producing outlines that resemble the rays of the winged sun on a glazed brick slab (orthostat) of Tukulti-Ninurta II, father of Ashurnasirpal II."--Porada, CANES, p. 81
Cylinder rubbed and damaged.
Worshiper with towel(?) before enthroned deity, between them, stand with flame; behind throne, genius with pollen basket -- Crescent and star in sky -- Terminal: spade.