Long-haired nude hero on one knee before goats flanking crossed lions

between 2139 and 2113 B.C.
17.5 x 10 mm
Morgan Seal 262
Acquired by Pierpont Morgan sometime between 1885 and 1908.

"Seals 262 and 263 are included here even though they do not show the deeply incised engraving characteristic of the group: the fact that they retain Akkad features but lack the modeling and cohesion of the earlier designs may serve to classify them as Post-Akkad. In 262, in whihc a contest scene is depicted, the hero's hair, brushed up in a curl at the back, conforms with the typical Akkad coiffure ... The fact that the material of this seal is hematite, which came into prevalent use only at the beginning of the second millennium B.C., raises the question of possibly later dating for this piece." Porada, CANES, p. 32-33


Long-haired nude hero on one knee before one of two goats that flank crossed lions.

Southern Mesopotamia.