Two gods, one holding cord of gate resting on back of kneeling bull

between 2340 B.C. and 2150 B.C.
black serpentine
26 x 14.5 mm
Morgan Seal 229
Acquired by Pierpont Morgan sometime between 1885 and 1908.

[Seals] 224-233, which are executed with varying degrees of care, all show the bull kneeling. Usually a seated goddess holds one end of a cord that seems to pass through the gate, while a male attendant, who is standing or kneeling or possibly floating in the air, holds the other end. Exceptions are ... 229 and 230, in which the seated deity is male." Porada, CANES, p. 28


God kneeling, or floating in air, while holding cord of gate that rests on back of kneeling bull and touching frame of gate -- Seated god at right touching wing of gate, which has pendant cord.

Southern Mesopotamia.