Edison's anti-gravitation under-clothing : Tommy. "Oh! Don't wind us in yet, Mamma! It's so jolly up here, and not a bit cold!" / Du Maurier.

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George Du Maurier
Edison's anti-gravitation under-clothing : Tommy. "Oh! Don't wind us in yet, Mamma! It's so jolly up here, and not a bit cold!" / Du Maurier.
[London : sn, 1878?]
Bequest of Gordon N. Ray, 1987.
[London : s.n., 1878?]
From the library of Gordon N. Ray.

Title from published caption.
Proof of a wood engraving after an illustration by Du Maurier for Punch's almanack for 1879.
One of a series of three cartoons by Du Maurier, published in Punch's almanack for 1879 with the caption "Edison's anti-gravitation under-clothing."
Printed on the same sheet with the third cartoon in this series, which bears the caption: "Edison's anti-gravitation under-clothing : Cissy. "Blow harder, harder, Papa! Blow me up to the ceiling!!" (see 1986.1228:1).


Cartoon shows a man riding a bicycle with his wife seated on a stand on the rear; she tows her two children through the air behind them on a string like kites, while the family St. Bernard runs beside them with a baby flying through the air on a string attached to the dog's collar; in the background, two male cyclists are towing two women through the air.

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