Thomas Adams is one of the pseudonyms used by Gillray.
At foot of print, within image: '"---"I saw him with his Beaver on "His Cuisses on his Thighs gallantly arm'ed "Rise from the ground like feather 'd Mercury "And vaulted with such ease into his seat "As if an Angel dropt down from the Clouds, "To turn & wind a fiery Pegasus "And witch the world with noble Horsemanship - Kg Henry 4th'
Print shows the Prince of Wales, on horseback, as a life-like equestrian statue (of the future George IV) mounted on a pedestal. On the middle block: 'PATER URBIUM subscribi Statuis." Juvel'. The Prince, in regimentals, very fat, sits in profile to the left, holding a drawn sabre. He wears a feathered cocked hat, a star on his breast and on his hat, a broad sash round his ample waist. A large holster hangs from the saddle beneath which is a leopard-skin with a 'GR' and crown on each corner.