Het geluckich eynd van het Vorstelÿck Raffelspel om Schenckenschat. Le heureusse fin du Jeu des Princes ponr le fort de Schenck

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Het geluckich eynd van het Vorstelÿck Raffelspel om Schenckenschat. Le heureusse fin du Jeu des Princes ponr le fort de Schenck
Peel 0063
Formerly owned by Sir Robert Peel.

See George, no.130, for an earlier print depicting the Dutch struggle for the fortress of Schenk in 1635. The earlier image shows an 'unlucky' game of raffles, reflecting the fact that the Prince of Orange's campaign was then going badly. This later print is a follow-up, probably by the same artist, reflecting the eventual success of the Prince of Orange in 1636.
Watermark: unknown.
