Highlighted line typed out in red: "BUT- we've frightened him or our tame dragon has."
Signed "Bryher" below typed text. Signed "H.D." below manuscript text.
(Bryher writes) saying that she is afraid to say that Herring is in a "desperate condition" but hopes he will last until he sees him; expressing that it is a pity that he is not there since N[orman]. D[ouglas]. is here for a few days, but that their behavior and thoughts might have frightened him; adding that N.D. can't deal with the Queen [Dorothy Hull]'s remarks from the previous night that he is a linguist, but is "frightfully British"; sending N.D.'s regards; saying that there is no word or sign from Pabst; (in H.D.'s hand) saying that N.D. has asked her to report on Vienna's "social possibilities" since he thinks it would do the children good to get away into the mountains; reporting that the children look fragile and wistful; saying that she is beginning with tactful inquiries and asking for his advice first; expressing that she is excited about March 1st; (postscript above Bryher's text) asking if she should give N.D. to Anna Freud as one of her cases.