Title from title page, leaf [1]/1r.
Imprint colophon, leaf [13]/6r: "Chronica qui dicit[ur] fasciculus t[emporu]m edita in alma vniuersitate colonie agrippine su[per] renu[m], a quoda[m] deuoto cartusiensi finit feliciter. Sepi[us] quide[m] ia[m] impressa, sed neglige[n]tis correcto[rum] in diuersis locis a vero originali min[us] iuste eme[n]data. Nunc vero non sine magno labore ad p[ri]stinu[m] statu[m] reducta, cu[m] quibusda[m] additionib[us], per humile[m] vi[rum] fr[ratr]em heinricu[m] Wirczburg de vach monachu[m], in prioratu rubeimo[n]tis, ordinis cluniacen[sis], sub lodouico gruerie comite magnifico Anno d[omi]ni .Mcccclxxxi. Et anno p[re]cedenti fueru[n]t aqua[rum] inu[n]datio[n]es maxi[m]e, ventus[que] horribiles, multa edifitia subuerte[n]tes".
Place of printing sometimes erroneously recorded as Rougemont, France.
Printed in Wirtzburg's types 1:97G and 2:180G.
Collation: [1⁶ 2-5⁸ 6⁶ 7⁸ 8⁶ 9-12⁸ 13⁶]: 96 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery folio.
"The last line (all but one word) on 81a, noting the foundation of the Monastery of Rougemont in the words: 'Monasteriu[m] Rubeimo[n]tis fundat[ur] ab incolis loci illi[us]. & [per] Willeriu[m] comite[m] gruerie dotat[ur]', is absent in some copies."--BMC.
"Reprinted from the edition of Walch, Venice, 1479 ... with which it agrees in the wording of the first part of the colophon, and not containing the additional matter appended to Ratdolt's 1480 edition .... The cuts, however, are not at all closely copied and a number or references to Swiss affairs are introduced into the text, while a metrical explanation of the Roman numerals, which had already appeared in Wirtzburg and Steinschaber's (Geneva) Calendarium, 1479, is appended to the prologue."--BMC.
"With several woodcuts of subjects not illustrated in the earlier editions, including a larger treatment of the figure of Christ, who is here shown with his disciples, and with figures of the four Evangelists at the corners of the block [leaf 42r]. There are also small woodcuts of the founders of some of the religious orders; also cuts of a merman, a dog-faced man, and a comet."--Pollard, Hawkins.
1-3 columns/43-44 lines. Woodcuts.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28 x 20.5 cm.
Hand decoration: 1 red and blue initial (leaf [2]/1r). Annotations: A few contemporary corrections in tabula. Later foliation, starting at 219 = former Sammelband.