Title from ISTC.
Colophon (leaf 143v): Per Joh[ann]em Fust civem Magu[n]tinu[m]. Et Petru[m] Schoffer de Gernszheim. Anno d[omi]ni Millesi[m]o. cccc. lvii. In vig[i]lia Assu[m]pc[i]o[n]is.
Printed in types 1:234G and 2:286G.
Collation: [1-10¹⁰ 11⁸ 12⁶; 13-14¹⁰ 15⁸⁽⁺¹⁾]: 143 leaves.
[Format: Royal folio]
Color-printed initials; 2-, 4-, and 6-line initials printed in alternating red/blue with blue/red printed penwork decoration.
Two issues: a) of 143 leaves b) of 175 leaves, the latter designed for use in the diocese of Mainz. All known copies are on vellum.
PML copy on vellum.
PML copy leaf dimensions: leaf a: 29 x 40.8 cm, leaf b: 27.4 x 37.5 cm.
PML copy only 2 leaves: 42 (leaf a) and 59 (leaf b).
Mainz Psalter
Hand decoration: No rubrication required. Annotations: Clef line highlighted in red (same in Lilly copy).