Title from incipit, leaf a2r: Here begynnethe the boke calledde John bochas descriuinge the falle of princis princessis [and] other nobles tra[n]slatid i[n]to englissh by John lydgate mo[n]ke of the monastery of seint edmu[n]des Byry at the co[m]mau[n]deme[n]t of teh worthy prynce humfrey duke of gloucestre beginnynge at adam [and] endinge with kinge iohn take prisoner in fraunce by prince Edwarde.
Imprint from colophon, leaf H3r: Here endith a compendious tretise and dyalogue of John Bochas: fructuously tretinge vpon the fall of Princys/ Princessys/ and other nobles. Finysshed the xxvii day of Janyuere. In the yere of oure lorde god M CCCClxxxxiiii. Emprentyd by Richard Pynson: dwellynge withoute the Temple barre of London. Laus Deo.
Printed in Pynson's types 2:101G and 5:114G.
Signatures: a-m⁸ n⁶ o-v⁸ A-F⁸ G⁶ H⁴: 216 leaves, leaf a1 blank.
Paper format: Median folio.
Woodcuts and printed initials; some initials spaces with printed guide letters. Woodcuts previously used by Jean Du Pré in Paris, 1483.
Adapted from Laurent de Premierfait's French version by John Lydgate.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 32.6 x 23 cm.
PML copy missing 2 leaves: a1 (blank) and H4; leaf a2 inlaid from another copy.
Falle of princis
Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized where required. Annotations: No marginal notations in text.