Author and title from incipit rubric (leaf [1]/1r): "Incipit [com]pendiu[m] l[itte]ralis sensus totius biblie seu divine scripture editu[m] a fr[atr]e petro aureoli ordinis minor[um]."
Printed in Husner's type 1:102G.
Munich BSB copy (2 Inc.s.a. 135) has ms date 1476.
Collation: [1¹⁰ 2-13⁸ 14⁶⁽⁵⁺¹⁾ 15⁶ 16-17⁸ 18-19⁶]: 147 leaves.
Paper format: Chancery folio
PML copy leaf dimensions: 28 x 21 cm.
PML copy with quire [11] bound before quire [10] but correctly foliated. Leaves [1]/1r and [19]/6v dirty, torn and repaired.
Checklist title: Compendium sensus Bibliae
Hand decoration: partially rubricated, some initials realized and red underlining. Annotations: manuscript title added to leaf [1]/1r; marginal inscriptions in several hands, including manuscript index on fly leaf, some notes, and foliation by Eliner. Some notes trimmed.