Title from item.
Caption continues: The Seen Hand. Peace propagandist. "What we want, friends, is Peace - Peace at any price!" Man from the trenches. "What price YOU?" by Edmund J. Sullivan A.R.W.S. Oct. 12th 1917. "Beware the Devil when he quotes scripture."
Original drawing by E.J. Sullivan for a political cartoon for publication in the London weekly, The National news, 1917.
On verso in pen, "The Seen Hand. Peace propagandist. "What we want, friends, is Peace - Peace at any price!" Man from the trenches. "What price YOU?" by Edmund J. Sullivan A.R.W.S. Oct. 12th 1917. "Beware the Devil when he quotes scripture."; in blue pencil, "National News 6 1/2 wide."
Drawing shows a gaunt, bearded man, in a black coat, speaking from a platform as he reaches behind his back to receive a wad of German bills from a figure in Prussiian uniform; behind him hangs a banner reading, "Friends of Peace & Goodwill Love your Enemies ... [t]hem that hate you (made in Germany)", and from his coat pockets protrude documents labeled "Holy Willie's prayer" and "Peace pefect peace"; in front of the platform stand three British soldiers, who look up at him and laugh derisively.