Charles Nicolas Cochin

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Charles Nicolas Cochin
God the Father Sending the Angel Gabriel to Tortosa
Black chalk on gray paper; framing line in pen and brown ink.
Full sheet: 7 3/4 x 5 3/8 inches (198 x 135 mm); design area: 7 1/2 x 5 1/16 inches (190 x 128 mm)

Watermark: part of fleur-de-lis, similar to Heawood 1732. Watermark, beta radiograph. Fleur-de-lis 218186wm_1989_41_3_WM_beta.jpg
This sheet belongs to an ensemble of eighteen preparatory sketches (seven for vignettes and eleven for headpieces) for illustrations and two prints after Cochin for an 1784-85 edition of Torquato Tasso's "La Gerusalemme Liberata" published in Paris by François Ambroise Didot. These illustrations were commissioned by Monsieur, the Comte de Provence and the brother of Louis XVI who later reigned as Louis XVIII (1755-1824). The eighteen drawings were part of an album of 102 drawings broken up and sold in several lots by Sotheby's, London, in 1970.
The present sheet is the preparatory drawing for the first page of Canto I (Argomento) of "La Gerusalemme Liberata", illustrating Stanze 7, 11, and 15 of the poem: “Dall'alto soglio il Padre eterno.” The corresponding finished drawing is in Volume I of the two albums containing Gravelot's final designs in the Spencer Collection at the New York Public Library.
This is the most important design for a headpiece by Cochin among the eleven in the Morgan Library group. This full-page drawing is the model for the layout of all succeeding pages with headpieces and culs-de-lampe, or tailpieces. Four lines of text underneath the design representing God the Father Sending the Angel Gabriel to Tortosa are followed by a stanza of eight lines (ottava) inscribed on a simulated stone tablet; the cul-de-lampe below it shows the rising sun dispersing the clouds. A comparison between this and the finished drawing in the Spencer Collection shows some compositional differences, revealing Cochin's refinement of the vignette.


Inscribed in pen and brown ink above headpiece design, "...Da l'alto soglio il Padre eterno./Gli occhi in giù volse... /chiama a se da gli Angelici Splendori/ Gabriel che ne' primi era il secondo..."; in center of page, "Canto I. ott 15. E ver le piaggie di Tortosa poi/ Drizzò, precipitando il volo in/ giuso./ Sorgeva il novo Sol da i lidi eoi,/ Parte già fuor ma il più nell'/ onde chiuso:/ E porgea mattutini i prieghi suoi/ Goffredo a Dio, come egli hauea per/ uso:/ Quando, a paro col sol, ma più lucente,/L'Angelo gli apparì dall'/ Oriente". Collector's mark of the Comte Nicholas A. Koucheleff-Bezborodko stamped in blue at lower right corner (Lugt 1629).

Comte Nicolas A. Koucheleff-Bezborodko, St. Petersburg (Lugt 1629); Comte J.P. van Suchtelen, general and Russian diplomat (Lugt 2332; his mark only on the first page of the album of 102 drawings sold at Sotheby's in 1970); his sale, Paris, 4 June 1862; Cambray and Portalis Collections; Eugène von Wasserman, Brussels; his sale, Brussels, Galerie Georges Giroux, 24-27 October and 3-5 November 1921, pp. 153-4, no. 954; General Jacques Willems, Brussels; his sale, London, Sotheby's, 9 April 1970, lots 143 and 144; H. Shickman Gallery; Adolphe Stein, Paris; Christian Humann; his sale, New York, Sotheby's, 21 January 1983, no. 75 (nine drawings and two prints); Spencer A. Samuels & Company, Ltd., New York.
Associated names: 

Tasso, Torquato, 1544-1595. Gerusalemme liberata.
Koucheleff-Bezborodko, Nicolas A., Comte, 1834-1862, former owner.
Suchtelen, J. P. van, Comte, 1751-1836, former owner.
Wasserman, Eugène von, former owner.
Willems, Jacques, 1870-1957, former owner.
Stein, Adolphe, former owner.
