High reserve.
The "introduction" to the journal is a 22-line paragraph on page 361 and is undated except to say it is February; he refers to the fact the M[ice] & M[en] is running and successful which would place this entry in February 1938. The journal of the writing of The Grapes of Wrath begins formally on page 362 and is dated June 1, 1938 / Wednesday."
The proper sequence of the manuscript in the ledger runs from page 361 (February 1938) to the end at page 372 (August 4, 1938), then page 336 (August 8, 1938) through page 349 (October 26, 1938) and the completion of the first draft of The Grapes of Wrath; lastly page 300 (October 16, 1939) through page 309 (January 30, 1941), plus a list of characters on page 352.
Personal diary and journal of his writing of the The Grapes of Wrath from June 1, 1938 through October 26, 1938; journal entries from October 16, 1939 through to January 30, 1941 discuss his year away from writing with an infection in his leg, preparing for his research trip on the tidal pools in the Sea of Cortez, referring to a film in Mexico, his work on "[God in the] Pipes" and the constant battles with self-doubt and the discipline needed to continue writing.