[Repertorium utriusque iuris].

Accession number: 
PML 33266-67
Del Monte, Pietro, -1457.
Imp[re]ssu[m] Nuremb[er]ge : P[er] honorabiles viros Andrea[m] Frisner Bunsidelensem et Ioannem Sensenschmid ciui Nurembergensem, millesimo q[ua]dringentisimo septuagesimosexto septimo die Octobris [7 October 1476]
3 parts [262, 268, 280] leaves ; 41 cm (fol.)
Credit Line: 
Acquired in 1936.

Title from ISTC.
Imprint from colophon, leaf [94]8v: Expletu[m] est Repertoriu[m] reuerendi patris & d[omi]ni Petri ep[iscop]i Brixien[sis]. Imp[re]ssu[m] Nuremb[er]ge p[er] honorabiles viros Andrea[m] Frisner Bursidelensem et Ioannem Sensenschmid ciui Nurembergensem. Anno a natiuitate Domini millesimo q[ua]dringentisimo septuagesimosexto septimo die Octobris sedente Sixto iii Pontifice maxi[m]o po[n]tificatus sui a[n]no sexto. [Printer's device]
Printed in Sensenschmidt's types 6:150G and 4:99G.
Collation, part I: [1-2¹⁰ 3⁸ 4¹⁰ 5⁸ 6-7¹⁰ 8⁸ 9¹⁰ 10-11⁸ 12¹⁰ 13⁸ 14⁶ 15-16⁸ 17¹⁰ 18-19⁸ 20⁶ 21⁸ 22¹⁰ 23⁶; 24¹⁰ 25-29⁸ 30⁶ 31¹⁰]: 262 leaves; part II: [32⁸ 33¹⁰ 34⁶ 35¹⁰ 36-38⁸ 39¹⁰ 40-41⁸ 42-44⁶ 45⁸ 46-48¹⁰; 49-53⁸ 54¹⁰ 55⁸ 56¹⁰ 57-58⁸ 59⁶; 60⁸ 61¹⁰; 62-63¹⁰]: 268 leaves, leaves [32]/1 and [49]/1 blank; part III: [64¹⁰ 65⁸ 66¹² 67-72¹⁰ 73-74⁸ 75¹⁰ 76⁶ 77⁸ 78¹⁰; 79-81⁸ 82⁶ 83⁸ 84-86¹⁰; 87⁸ 88-92¹⁰ 93⁶ 94⁸]: 280 leaves.
Paper format: Royal folio.
Printed in black and red.
Andreas Frisner's preface (leaf [1]/1v) dated "Nuremberge Cale[n]dis Octobris Anno d[omi]ni Millesimoquadringentesimoseptuagesimosexto [17 October 1476]."
PML copy leaf dimensions: 39 x 27 cm, témoin leaf [25]/2: 40.3 x 29.2 cm.
PML copy bound in 2 volumes.

17th-century Austrian(?) blind-stamped pigskin over wooden boards (41 x 29.5 cm), sewn on 5 supports. Plain paper pastedowns and endleaves; decorative endbands; blue edges.
Variant Title: 

Repertorium utriusque iuris


Hand decoration: Contemporary South Bavarian/Austrian (Salzburg?) rubrication, alternating red and blue initials with figural (often with faces, animals, and birds) penwork decoration in pink and green; primary initials with foliate illumination by the Monardus Master (follower of Ulrich Schreier; ex-info Michaela Schuller-Junkes; rubricator and illuminator are likely separate artists). Annotations: No marginal notations in text. Contemporary manuscript Arabic numeral quire signatures, mainly trimmed. Contemporary manuscript 'a' at top right of both illuminated leaves (leaves [1]/2r and [49]/2r), perhaps related to illumination production.

Unidentified armorial: white/silver shield with torso of a black bear, 15th century (leaf [1]/2r); unidentified shelfmarks(?): "X 284" and "A.Z, 43/2 Bde" (both vols., front pastedowns); Pierpont Morgan Library, acquired through exchange with Lathrop C. Harper, Inc., Sept. 1936.