[C]hristi nomine i[n]uocato & p[ro]misso cete[r]is p[re]factio[n]ibus r[e]secatis tractare disposui ego Albricus de Rosate Bergome[n]sis aduocatus q[ue]stio[n]es utiles & co[n]tinuas statuto[rum] ellicitas ex antiquoru[m] & mode[r]no[rum] scripturis.

Accession number: 
PML 23662
Albericus, de Rosate, 1290-1360.
Comi : impressa per magistrum Baldesarem de Fossato, .MCCCC.LXXVII die vero quintodecio Februarij [15 February 1477].
[162] leaves ; 41.5 cm (fol.)
Credit Line: 
Purchased in 1926.

Title from incipit, leaf a1r: [C]hristi nomine i[n]uocato & p[ro]misso cete[r]is p[re]factio[n]ibus r[e]secatis tractare disposui ego Albricus de Rosate Bergome[n]sis aduocatus q[ue]stio[n]es utiles & co[n]tinuas statuto[rum] ellicitas ex antiquoru[m] & mode[r]no[rum] scripturis vbi ordine[m] tale[m] seruabo.
Imprint from colophon, leaf u6v: Comi i[m]p[re]ssa p[er] magistru[m] Baldesare[m] d[e] Fossato. Anno a Christi natiuitate .MCCCC.LXXVII die uero q[ui]ntodecio Februarij. Deo gratias amen.
Printed in Balthasa de Fossato's type 1:106R.
Signatures: a¹⁰ b⁸ c-e⁶ f¹⁰ k¹² l-m¹⁰ n-o⁸ p-t¹⁰ u⁶; [x]¹²: 162 leaves, leaf [x]1 blank. Signatures stamped after printing; quire [x] with leaves 1-5 stamped i-v.
Paper format: Royal folio.
PML copy leaf dimensions: 39.6 x 28.3 cm.
PML copy with tabula (quire [x]) bound first. Leaves [x]1-12 damaged along top margins, sometimes with missing text; repaired.

16th/17th century Italian full blind-tooled calf (or 19th/20th-century pastiche) over wooden boards (41.5 x 30.5 cm), sewn on 5 supports; rebacked. Plain vellum pastedowns and endleaves, with plain paper endleaves; plain stuck-on endbands. 2 clasps, missing.
Variant Title: 

Super statutis


Hand decoration: Rubrication unrealized. Annotations: Contemporary/16th-century marginal notations in several Italian hands, including keywords and historical events added to tabula (esp. note on Louis XII and the Italian Wars in 1501-02, leaf [x]10r) but sporadic throughout text.

Unidentified signature: Julii Bebuler(?) (leaf [x]2r); unidentified shelfmark, erased: E-12-75 (leaf [x]1r); Pierpont Morgan Library, purchased from Lathrop C. Harper, Inc., June 1926.