Printed Books & Bindings

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Book box, cuir-bouilli and cuir-ciselé technique.
Heures nouvelles dédiées à Madame Royale ...
The Holy Bible : containing the Old Testament and the New / translated into the Indian language, and ordered to be printed by the Commissioners of the United Colonies in New-England, at the charge, and with the consent of the Corporation in England for the Propagation of the Gospel amongst the Indians in New-England.
[Biblia latina].
Apocalypsis Sanctis Johannis (Incipit: Conv[er]si ab ydolis p[er] perdicacione[m] b[eat]ti ioha[n]nis drusiana et ceteri).
[Historiae Romanae decades].
Aurelii Augustini ep[iscop]i de civitate dei liber primus feliciter incipit.
Das ist die mapa mu[n]di un[d] alle land un[d] kungk reich wie sie ligend in der ga[n]sze welt.
Confessionale. Add: Hermannus de Schildesche: Speculum sacerdotum.
Horae: ad usum Romanum.
Thus endeth thys noble and joyous book entytled le morte Darthur.
Der Ritter vom Turn : von den Exempel[n] der gotsforcht v[o]n erberkeit.
Hypnerotomachia Poliphili : vbi hvmana omnia non nisisomnivm [sic] esse docet atqve obiter plvrima scitv sane qvam digna commemorat.
Horae: ad usum Romanum.
Heures a lusaige de Ro[m]me : sans riens req[ue]rir.
Manuscript account book : [Florence], [1517-1551].
Libro di Benedetto Bordone nel qual si ragiona de tutte l'isole del mondo ...
Alberti Dureri clarissimi pictoris et geometrae de sym[m]etria partium in rectis formis hu[m]anorum corporum libri in Latinum conuersi.