Books of hours

Delft, the Netherlands, 1460-1520.
MS M.71

Gloucester, England, ca. 1405-1415.
MS M.99

France, perhaps Paris, between 1500 and 1510.
MS M.89

Brittany, France, ca. 1465.
MS M.84

Lyon, France, ca. 1485
MS M.83

Tours and Paris, France, between ca. 1500-ca. 1510.
MS M.291

France, perhaps Paris, Rouen, or Tours, ca. 1520.
MS M.290

Belgium, perhaps Bruges or Valenciennes, ca. 1470.
MS M.285

Paris, France, 1500-1515.
MS M.276

Langres, France, 1495-1500.
MS M.271