Typed letter : [New Hampton, New Hampshire], to Norman Mailer, 1969 April 10.

Record ID: 
Accession number: 
MA 22075.3
Willingham, Calder, 1922-1995.
The Carter Burden Collection of American Literature.
1 item (2 pages) ; 27.9 x 21.5 cm

Place of writing inferred from content.
Inscription, possibly by Mailer, in pencil at top of page: "Written to pacify & avoid public - consider him a fairly talented brain & a tortured soul - CW"; inscription, possibly by Mailer, in blue ink on left side of page: "A phony letter really - I wanted a truce with this crazy man. Had (& have) no such measure of respect for him. CW 12/13/82."


Saying that he meant to write him for some time and that he called him months ago after running into a mutual acquaintance, but got no reply; apologizing for his article in Esquire [December 1963}; asking if his article was as bad as others have said; adding that he has been following his work with great interest over the years; saying that he saw Adele [Morales] and has a note from Lewie Allen in Paris where he says Bill Styron is "all ape against spades" because of their "slightly negative attitude towards Nat Turner (a pompus-ass book, don't you think?)"; expressing that his career seems horribly bogged, except that he is making more money than ever before; adding that his early books were "pretty shitty" and that he is doing well in Hollywood movies and working on some one-act plays; praising Mailer's book on the march on the Pentagon [Armies of the night]; telling Mailer that he is getting into directing now and is working with Anne Jackson and Eli Wallach in two one-act plays of his and hopes to go on to directing movies.

Carter Burden.