A Was Not an Apple: Andy Warhol's Alphabet Books

Thursday, March 17, 2016, 6:30 pm
$15; $10 for members; free for students with valid ID.

Nina Schleif

Andy Warhol first ventured into the world of publishing in the 1950s with his self-published promotional books. In these early collaborative projects, Warhol experimented with the artistic principles that would later become the mark of his Pop Art: seriality, mass production, innovative use of color and, presumably, highly consumable images. Nina Schleif, recent Terra Foundation Senior Fellow, Smithsonian American Art Museum, and editor and co-author of the ground-breaking catalog Reading Andy Warhol, will share her research on the early promotional booklet A Is an Alphabet (1953) and the unpublished manuscript The Ladies’ Alphabet, discussing their genesis, photographic sources, and the wider cultural context in which they were created.

The exhibition Warhol by the Book will open at 5:30 pm for program attendees.

Please call (212) 685-0008 ext. 560 or e-mail tickets@themorgan.org for information.