Il Dilettevole Gioco di Loca [game]

Accession number: 
PML 88595
In Venecia : apresso Carlo Coriolani, [1640?]
1 sheet : ill. (handcol. woodcuts) 60 x 45.5 cm
Gift of Julia P. Wightman, 1991.

Date from Allemagne.
Game board for the Game of Goose, a game of chance, played with two dice. Sixty-three numbered rectangular spaces are arranged in two concentric, counter-clockwise tracks that lead into an oval space depicting a family at dinner with a cooked goose on the table, and a view through the window of a goose-hunting scene. In the four corners depictions of three grotesque figures and a figure carrying a goose and a pot on a long stick. Some spaces have images, thirteen of which are favorable spaces depicting geese, while others are hazard spaces depicting a well, a maze, and Death.
Directions for play are scattered throughout.
Hand colored in brown, green, and orange.
"N. 25"--black ink on verso.

From the library of Julia P. Wightman.