Retrospective bindings (Binding)

The book of fayttes of armes [and] of chyvalrye.

Christine, de Pisan, approximately 1364-approximately 1431.
[Westminster] : William Caxton, 14 July 1489.
PML 781

The Canterbury Tales.

Chaucer, Geoffrey, -1400.
[London] : Richard Pynson, [between June 1491 and 13 November 1492]
PML 751

The game and playe of the chesse.

Jacobus, de Cessolis, active 1288-1322.
[Ghent?] : [David Aubert?, for William Caxton], 31 March 1474.
PML 772

The morale proverbes of Cristyne.

Christine, de Pisan, approximately 1364-approximately 1431.
Westminster : William Caxton, 20 February 1478.
PML 774

The saynges or dictis of the philosophers.

[Westminster] : William Caxton, [about 1489]
PML 700

Thy prouffytable boke for man[n]es soule, and right comfortable to the body, and specyally in aduersitee [and] trybulacyon, whiche boke is called the chastysing of goddes chyldern.

[Westminster] : [Wynkyn de Worde], [approximately 1492-1493].
PML 784.1


Wolfram, von Eschenbach, active 12th century.
[Strasbourg] : [Johann Mentelin], 1477.
PML 16787

Tractado q[ue] se llama valerio d[e]las estoria escolasticas

Rodríguez de Almela, Diego, approximately 1426-approximately 1489.
Murcia : por manos de maestre Lope de la Roca, a .vi dias de diesembre, año de mill. [y] quatrozientos /[y] ochenta /[y] siete años [6 December 1487].
PML 77112

Tractatus de p[rae]destinac[i]o[n]e [et] rep[ro]bac[i]o[n]e divina.

Henricus, de Gorichem.
[Esslingen] : [Conrad Fyner], 1474.
PML 192

Tractat[us] bon[us] [et] magistral[is] sup[er] nauicula[m] s[an]cte[m] vrsule, edit[us] a venerabili viro d[omi]no doctore sacro theologie mattheo ordi[ni]s predicatorum [et]c.

Ursula, Saint.
[Strasbourg] : [Johann (Reinhard) Grüninger?, for Bartholomaeus Kistler], [about 1497]
PML 26733