Printed Books

Aesop's fables with his life : in English, French & Latin / the English by Tho. Philipott Esq. ; the French and Latin by Rob. Codrington ... ; illustrated with one hundred and twelve sculptures by Francis Barlow.

London : Printed by William Godbid for Francis Barlow, and are to be sold by Ann Seile ... and Edward Powell ..., 1666.
PML 127666

Aesop's fables with his life : in English, French & Latin / the English by Tho. Philipott Esq. ; the French and Latin by Rob. Codrington ... ; illustrated with one hundred and twelve sculptures by Francis Barlow.

London : Printed by William Godbid for Francis Barlow, and are to be sold by Ann Seile ... and Edward Powell ..., 1666.
PML 64797

Alberti Dureri clarissimi pictoris et geometrae de sym[m]etria partium in rectis formis hu[m]anorum corporum libri in Latinum conuersi.

Dürer, Albrecht, 1471-1528.
[Nuremberg] : In aedib. viduae Durerianae, M.D.XXXII [1532]
PML 77029.2

America : a prophecy.

Blake, William, 1757-1827.
Lambeth [London] : Printed by William Blake, 1793 [i.e. ca. 1795]
PML 16134

Apocalypsis Sanctis Johannis (Incipit: Conv[er]si ab ydolis p[er] perdicacione[m] b[eat]ti ioha[n]nis drusiana et ceteri).

[Germany (Mainz region?), ca. 1463-1467]

Aurelii Augustini ep[iscop]i de civitate dei liber primus feliciter incipit.

Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.
Confectum Venetiis : ab egregio et diligenti magistro Nicolao Jenson gallico, Anno a nativitate d[omi]ni milesimo quadringe[n]tesimo septuagesimo quinto: sexto nonas octobris [2 October 1475].
PML 310


Venecia : [Vindelinus de Spira], M.CCCC.LXXI. in Kalende. de. Avgvsto [1 August 1471].
PML 26983-84

Book box, cuir-bouilli and cuir-ciselé technique.

Lombardy, Italy, ca. 1465-1485.
PML 127676

British and foreign animals [game] : a new game, moral, instructive and amusing : designed to allure the minds of youth to an acquaintance with the wonders of nature.

Darton, William, 1781-1854.
London : William Darton, 58, Holborn Hill, [1820]
PML 86937

Cirque / André Suarès ; eaux-fortes en couleurs et en noir de Georges Rouault.

Suarès, André, 1868-1948.
Paris : Ambrose Vollard, 1939.
PML 76385