One of the earliest illustrated biographies of an English saint, this lavish volume was a testimonial to patron saint and abbey alike. Most miniatures are based on the passion text of Abbo of Fleury (945–1004); the posthumous miracles depend on Osbert of Clare's text, composed for Anselm shortly before this manuscript was made. In this image, eight thieves are miraculously paralyzed when they attempt to break into Edmund's burial place. The miniatures are attributed to the Alexis Master, founder of the St. Albans school. Named after his St. Alexis cycle in the St. Albans Psalter, he skillfully combined Anglo-Saxon, Ottonian, and Byzantine influences to create England's earliest Romanesque style.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
England, Bury St Edmunds
ca. 1130
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
MS M.736 fol. 18v
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, Tribes crossing Sea to Britain -- Saxons, Jutes, and Angles, wearing helmets and armed with shields and spears, row six ships. The ships surround a circular island with a city flanked by two trees. Fish are in the sea at the bottom of the illustration.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 1.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, Battle against Britons -- Saxons, Jutes, and Angles attack fleeing Britons. All are in armor and on horseback. Slain soldiers are depicted on the ground at the bottom of the illustration.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 1.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, Tribes dividing Kingdom -- The illustration is divided into four unequal compartments. The largest three enclose Saxons, Jutes, and Angles; the smallest, a tree. The leaders of the three tribes wear caps. One extends his sword, and one of his men grasps it with both hands; one, who has a sword suspended from his belt, extends his spear, which is grasped by two of his men; and the third extends his shield, which is also grasped by two of his men. The illustration has a patterned background and decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 1.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, Coronation and Consecration -- Two groups of men, each including one man armed with a sword, flank two bishops holding croziers. One bishop hands a scepter to Edmund, who is seated on a cushioned bench with his feet on a footstool. The other bishop places a cross-surmounted crown on Edmundís head. The scene is in a curtained room within an architectural setting, and the illustration has a decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 3 (Edmund crowned King of East Anglia).
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, distributing Coins -- One of two attendants holds a casket; both stand behind Edmund, who is crowned and seated on a throne with a footstool. He distributes coins (money) to four beggars. One beggar, with a bottle slung over his shoulder, wears a wallet, and another supports himself on a crutch. The scene is shown within an architectural setting, and the illustration has a decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 4.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, Landing of Danes -- Danes, armed with shields and spears, row seven Viking ships, including five with animal-headed prows. Three of the Danes walk on planks to land. At the bottom of the illustration, fish are shown in the sea.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 5 (Danes under Hinguar and Hubba land in Britain).
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, Danes attacking Town -- Three groups of Danes, armed with spears, swords, and shields, attack a city in flames, which is defended by an archer and three soldiers armed with spears and shields. Below are men, women, and children. Some are fleeing, and others are slain. The illustration has a patterned background and decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 5 (Hinguar burns town).
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Inguar the Dane: Scene, sending Messenger to demand Submission of Edmund of England -- Six Danes, wearing helmets and armed with swords, spears, and shields, accompany Inguar, who is wearing a helmet, has a sheath at his waist, and is raising a sword in his right hand and extending his left hand toward a messenger. The messenger has his left hand on a sheathed sword at his waist and his right hand raised. He is accompanied by five men. Two of them wear animal skins, and one of the two also wears a scrip and holds a tau-staff. The illustration depicts a tree in the center and has a patterned background and decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 7.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, refusing Bishop's advice to submit to Inguar the Dane -- Three attendants stand beside a tonsured bishop who has his right hand raised and a crozier in his left hand. The bishop and Edmund are seated side-by-side, each on a cushioned bench with a footstool. Edmund is crowned and has a sword suspended from his belt. He indicates a messenger with his right hand. The messengerís right hand is raised, and he holds a spear in his left. The scene is in a curtained architectural setting.
Illustration of Abbo Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 8.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Inguar the Dane: Scene, receiving News of Edmund of England's Refusal to submit -- Twelve Danes hold spears and shields. One, who holds a sword, accompanies Inguar, who wears a helmet andhas a sword in his raised right hand. With his left hand, which is on his sheath, he indicates a messenger. The messenger has a sword suspended from his belt. He raises his right hand and holds a spear in his left. Two trees frame Inguar. The illustration has a patterned background and decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 10.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, dragged from Throne ñ An attendant stands behind a crowned Edmund being dragged from his throne by four Danes. Theyíre directed by a man wearing a helmet and armed with a sword. The scene is in an architectural setting and has a decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 10.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, led away by Danes -- Two Danes are armed with clubs, and one is about to strike Edmund. He is crowned and led by rope around his wrists by three more Danes, who are armed with spears and battleaxes. The illustration includes two trees, a patterned background, and a decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 10 (Edmund bound and mocked).
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, stripped ñ A man raises switches above Edmund. Three men are pulling a garment over his head. The illustration has a tree in the center, a patterned background, and a decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 10.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
dmund of England: Scene, tied to Tree ñ The hand of God emerges from a cloudy arc of heaven toward Edmund, whose hands are being bound to a tree by one of three men. The others are raising switches. The illustration has a patterned background and a decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 10.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, Martyrdom ñ The hand of God emerges from a cloudy arc of heaven toward Edmund, who is pierced with arrows and tied to tree before six men shooting with bows and arrows. The illustration has a patterned background and decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 10.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
The illustration is divided into two parts:
1) Edmund of England: Scene, Martyrdom ñ The hand of God holds a dove, which represents soul, and emerges from an arc of heaven. One of two executioners is armed with a halberd. The other wears a sheath and points a sword toward the decapitated Edmund, whose head is falling to the ground. The illustration has a patterned background and decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 10.
2) Edmund of England: Scene, Head hidden -- A witness stands in a tree looking at a man, armed with a sheathed sword, who is placing Edmundís head in brambles. The illustration has a patterned background and decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapters 11 (Head hidden) and 12 (Witness to hiding the head).
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, Departure of Danes -- Three groups of men, all armed with spears and some with shields, board three ships in which men are seated. Most of the men have oars. At the right are the prows of three more ships. The illustration has a decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapters 10 and 11.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, Body found -- Two men blow horns. In front of them are five men. One of them has his left hand raised to his face and is looking at and indicating the decapitated body of Edmund. Edmund is wearing a long loin cloth, and his hands are bound. A central figure, who is wearing a cap, raises his right hand and extends his left hand toward a departing man, who has his hands raised. The illustration includes two trees, a patterned background, and a decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 12 (Friends discover Edmund's headless body).
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, Head guarded by Wolf -- Eight standing men look at a wolf guarding the head of Edmund, which is in a bush. The illustration includes two trees, a patterned background, and a decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 12.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, Wolf carrying Head of Edmund -- One of ten men points to a wolf thatís following a man carrying the head of Edmund. The man is wearing a cap and looking back at the wolf. The illustration includes a tree, a patterned background, and a decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 14.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, Head placed on Body, and Edmund of England: Scene, Burial, Body prepared -- Two groups of men flank a man placing the head of Edmund, guarded by a wolf, on his decapitated body and another man covering the body for burial. The illustration includes a tree in the center, a patterned background, and a decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 14 (Preparation of body for burial).
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, borne to Burial -- In procession, nine men, including one wearing a cap, bear an bier on which the draped corpse of Edmund lies. A wolf is under the bier looking up. The illustration includes a tree in the center, a patterned background, and a decorated frame.
Compare with Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 14, which states return of wolf to the forest upon the joining of Edmund's head to his body.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, Burial --The hand of God emerges above two men who are within a cross-surmounted church with twin towers. The men, one of whom is wearing a cap, are placing the shrouded body of Edmund in a strigillated sarcophagus. Two groups of men stand flanking the scene. The illustration has a patterned background and decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 14.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, Thieves entering Church -- Eight thieves break into a church. One who is on a ladder is entering the church through a window. Another digs with a spade; one digs with a hoe; and three pull out nails with pincers and hammers. The illustration has a decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 16.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, Thieves arrested ñ A mitered bishop, Theodred of London, sits on a cathedra. He holds a crozier in his left hand and raises his right hand toward a man who is binding the hands of one of eight men.Ttwo of the men already have their hands bound. The scene is in an architectural setting of three domical structures and has a patterned background.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 16.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
MS M.736 fol. 19v
Edmund of England: Scene, Thieves hanged -- Two men, one seated astride a pole hung between two trees, hang eight thieves wearing long loin cloths. The hands of the thieves are bound to a pole (gallows). The illustration has a patterned background and decorated frame.
Illustration of Abbo of Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 16.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, Eadbricht's House burned, and Edmund of England: Scene, Relics taken to London ñ A tonsured Eadbricht stands in the portal of a burning building. His right hand is raised. and his left holds an object. He refuses hospitality to the tonsured Egelwin of Bury St. Edmunds. Egelwin is in a monk's habit and holds a tau-staff in his left hand. In his right hand, he holds the collar of the harness of a horse, which is pulling a biga carrying a cross-surmounted reliquary of Edmund. Above the biga is the hand of God emerging from a cloudy arc of heaven. The illustration has a patterned background and decorated frame.
Illustration of Herman, Miracula Edmundi, chapters 10-11.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, Relics on Narrow Bridge ñ The hand of God emerges from a cloudy arc of heaven. Rays descend from the hand to a cross-surmounted reliquary of Edmund carried on a biga being pulled across a narrow bridge by a horse. The collar of the horseís harness is held by the right hand of Egelwin of Bury St. Edmunds, who is tonsured and in monk's habit. He holds a tau-staff in his left hand. Four fish are in the river below the bridge. The illustration has a patterned background and decorated frame.
Illustration of Herman, Miracula Edmundi, chapter 12.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Sweyn, King of Denmark: Scene, refusing Egelwin's Request for Exemption from Tribute ñ A male attendant stands behind Sweyn, who wears a crown and is seated on a throne with a footstool.
With his right hand, he directs two men, one armed with a club, who are attacking Egelwin of Bury St. Edmunds. Egelwin is tonsured and in monk's habit. He is holding a tau-staff and is asking for exemption from tribute for his church. Above Sweyn is in an architectural setting. The illustration has a patterned background and decorated frame.
Illustration of Herman, Miracula Edmundi, chapter 5.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Sweyn, King of Denmark: Scene, Death -- Edmund of England wears a crown and holds a moneybag in left hand. With his right hand, he thrusts a spear into the breast of Sweyn, who also wears a crown and is lying on a bed. Behind him are curtains and three men, one with his right hand raised. The scene is within an architectural setting and has a patterned background and decorated frame.
Illustration of Herman, Miracula Edmundi, chapter 5.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Sweyn, King of Denmark: Scene, Death announced -- Among five standing men, two raise their right hands and one extends his left hand toward a dying man of Essex, who is sitting in bed wearing a cap and raising his right hand. The scene is within an architectural setting and has a decorated frame.
Illustration of Herman, Miracula Edmundi, chapter 7.
Miscellany on the life of St. Edmund
Purchased by J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1927
Edmund of England: Scene, Apotheosis ñ The illustration shows three-quarter figures of two nimbed angels wearing diadems. Their hands are extended, and they flank two more angels. One of the second pair wears a diadem. They are descending from cloudy arcs of heaven and placing a crown with infulae on the head of Edmund. Edmund is seated on a cushioned throne holding a scepter and a palm branch, which are presented by two standing nimbed angels wearing diadems. Two monks kneel, embracing the feet of Edmund. The illustration has divided fields and a decorated frame. The border is decorated with interlace ornament.
Illustration of Abbo Fleury, Passio Edmundi, chapter 18 (?).