Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Half-figure of man, gesturing with right hand, holding rod with left hand, in lower half of initial R decorated with floreate ornament.
Text of poem by Arnaut de Maruelh.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Within initial D, three-quarter figure of woman or man, holding rod with right hand and flower with left hand.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Three-quarter figure of youthful male wearing fillet, holding rod with right hand and grasping upright of initial A with left hand. Other half of the initial composed of fantastic animal biting right side of initial; legs forming crossbar.
Text of poem by anonymous writer.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Three-quarter figure of man, gesturing with right hand and holding rod with left hand within initial S formed by fantastic animal, with foliage in open mouth.
Text is poem by Raimon Vidal.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Within initial D, three-quarter figure of woman, wearing fillet, holding cord to cape with right hand and grasping side of the initial with left hand.
Text is poem by Pons de Capduelh
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Within initial D, three-quarter figure of woman wearing fillet, grasping with right hand cord of cloak, and with left hand holding fold of the fur lined cloak. Initial D terminating with head or mask of animal.
Text is poem by Charles d'Anjou.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Text is poem by Arnaut de Maruelh.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Three-quarter figure of woman wearing fillet and fur-lined cloak, grasping left wrist with right hand, holding cord of cloak with left hand, flanked by two gold flowers, in initial D decorated with head or mask of animal, and foliate ornament.
Text of poem by Alegret.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
In upper loop of initial B, bust of man gesturing with right hand; in lower loop, half-figure of woman grasping cord of cloak with right hand. Initial decorated with foliate ornament.
Text is poem by Arnaut de Maruelh.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Within initial Q, three-quarter figure of man wearing fur-lined cloak, gesturing with right hand, grasping cord of cloak with left hand. Fantastic animal as tail of initial biting bottom of the initial.
Text of poem by Aimeric de Peguilhan.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Within initial T, Folquet de Marseille as bishop, wearing miter and fur-lined garment, holding crozier with right hand, raising left hand.
Text of poem by Folquet de Marseille (Folquet de Marselha).
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Right Margin:
Scene, Battle -- Seven (?) mounted soldiers confronting another single mounted soldier, bannered lance in right hand, shield on right side, astride galloping bridled horse.
Lower Margin:
Man, right hand supporting left elbow, left hand on face, seated with crossed legs on cushioned bench; three-faced head, crowned, amid six wings as personification of love; man embracing woman gesturing with her left hand toward another three-faced head, crowned (?) amid six wings; man, arms extended, pursuing woman.
Text of poem by Folquet de Marseille (Folquet de Marselha).
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Lower Margin:
At left, man, head resting on left hand, seated on cushioned bench.
At right, man, holding rod with right hand, indicating the rod with left hand.
Text of poem by Folquet de Marseille (Folquet de Marselha).
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Left Margin:
Man halfway up tree, grasping trunk with both hands.
Lower Margin:
Man playing rebec.
Text of poem by Folquet de Marseille (Folquet de Marselha).
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Lower Margin:
At left, queen, crowned, gesturing with raised left hand, is seated on cushioned bench. She looks toward man, gesturing with both hands.
Text of poem of Folquet de Marseille (Folquet de Marselha).
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Lower Margin:
Youthful male figure, arms extended, sits on shoulders of bust with three faces, crowned, amid six wings, personifying love.
Text of poem by Folquet de Marseille (Folquet de Marselha).
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Right Margin:
Man, raising right hand, with face of woman on breast.
Lower Margin:
Tree bearing fruit; personification of sun above mountain; tower with crenellated top, double arched opening on side, next to man holding mirror in right hand extended toward the tower and indicating the tower, his left hand grasping shoulder of woman.
Text of poem by Folquet de Marseille (Folquet de Marselha).
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Left Margin:
Man, probably poet, supporting left arm with right hand, left hand held to face, sitting cross legged on cushioned bench, opposite man, standing, indicating the poet with right hand, left hand on breast.
Lower Margin:
Man, probably poet, seated on bench, his right hand indicating empty chess board (Scene, Sports and Games: Chess).
Text of poem by Folquet de Marseille (Folquet de Marselha).
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Right Margin:
King, named Richard in text, standing, both hands slightly extended.
Scene, Sports and Games: Dicing -- Two youthful men seated on bench, flanking game board on which are coins and three dice.
Lower Margin:
Scene, Sports and Games: Falconry -- At left, man, his left hand holding jesses attached to leg of falcon, grasping tail of falcon with left hand.
At right, one of two confronted men, both gesturing, looking back over right shoulder.
Text of poem by Folquet de Marseille (Folquet de Marselha).
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Left Margin:
Three flying insects, named as butterflies in text, two flying toward candle; one flying near flame.
Lower Margin:
At left, horseman astride bridled horse.
At right, next to wall (?), man, grasping right arm with left hand, indicating with right hand five objects on ground.
Text of poem by Folquet de Marselha.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Lower Margin:
Man, left hand on breast, extending right hand holding round object toward woman, gesturing with both hands, looking toward him, seated on bench.
Text of poem by Folquet de Marseille (Folquet de Marselha).
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Left Margin:
Scales hanging from rod; personification of love with three-faced head, crowned, six wings; man, probably poet, crouching below love.
Text of poem by Folquet de Marseille (Folquet de Marselha).
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Lower margin:
Man, probably poet, arms outspread, holding pen (?) in left hand, seated on cushioned bench before desk on which is scroll and scraper (?).
Text of poem by Folquet de Marseille (Folquet de Marselha).
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Left Margin:
Man, probably poet, hands raised, kneeling next to woman, wearing fur lined cloak, grasping cord of cloak with right hand.
Lower Margin:
Man, probably poet, head inclined to side, clasping hands on breast.
Text of poem by Folquet de Marseille (Folquet de Marselha).
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Lower Margin:
At left, fire in brazier (?); at right, personification of love, as bust with three-faced head, crowned, with six wings, holding spear with right hand, touching breast of man, probably poet, seated on bench.
Text of poem by Folquet de Marseille (Folquet de Marselha).
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Lower Margin:
At left, man, probably poet, head draped, reclining in draped bed. At right, man wearing hood, reclining on draped bed with candlestick at each corner, and cross at head and foot of the bed. Man, probably poet, standing next to the bed, head inclined, hands clasped.
Text of poem by Folquet de Marseille (Folquet de Marselha).
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Lower Margin:
At left, candle; personification of sun looking down at flowering plant.
Christ: Crucifixion -- Christ, nimbed, wearing loincloth, is affixed with four (?) nails to cross with blank titulus and suppadaneum. Virgin Mary, nimbed and veiled, holding draped hands to face stands at left. At left, poet, hands raised, kneels looking up toward Christ.
Text of poem by Folquet de Marseille (Folquet de Marselha).
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Half-figure of man gesturing with right hand, holding rod with left hand, within initial A deocrated with foliate ornament.
Lower Margin:
Man, probably poet, eyes shut, arms raised, reclining in draped bed.
Text of poem by Arnaut de Maruelh.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Left Margin:
Man, probably judge, gesturing with right hand and holding fleur-de-lis scepter with left hand, seated on cushioned bench; below, man, probably poet, hands behind him, flanked by two other men, one with both hands on shoulders of poet, the other holding with right hand cord leading to poet.
At bottom, poet, left hand on his breast, extending right hand to open book held by right hand of woman, gesturing with left hand, seated on cushioned bench.
Text of poem by Arnaut de Maruelh.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Lower Margin:
Eight fish.
Text of poem by Arnaut de Maruelh.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Lower Margin:
Soldier, wearing mail, holding sword with right hand and shield with left, confronting four soldiers, wearing mail, one aiming spear at him, three holding swords, three holding shields.
Text of poem by Arnaut de Maruelh.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Lower Margin:
At left, man or woman, head draped, reclines on draped bed; at right, poet, holding open book with right hand, gesturing with left hand, seated on cushioned bench.
Text of poem by Arnaut de Maruelh.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Man, left hand on breast, standing next to fire in brazier, looking toward woman, wearing filet, indicating the fire with right hand, gesturing with left hand. All within initial L decorated with foliate ornament.
Text of poem by Rigaut de Berbezilh.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Lower Margin:
At left, lion, tongue emerging from open mouth, opposite young in cave.
Text of poem by Rigaut de Berbezilh.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Lower Margin:
Bust of three-faced figure, crowned, with six wings, as personification of love.
Text of poem by Rigaut de Berbezilh.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Initial M decorated with foliate ornament.
Text of poem by Peirol.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Initial M decorated with foliate ornament.
Text of poem by Peire Vidal.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Man, gesturing with right hand and holding branch with left hand, wearing fur-lined cloak within initial S of body of winged fantastic animal, decorated with foliate ornament.
Text of poem by Peire Milon.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Three-quarter figure of man, grasping cord of fur-lined cloak with right hand and holding rod with left hand in initial A, sides formed by two fantastic animals intertwining their necks at top, with foliate ornament emerging from mouths.
Text of poem by Uc de Saint Circ.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Half-figure of man wearing fillet, holding rod with right hand, raising left hand within initial G formed by fantastic animal with head on each end, decorated with foliate ornament.
Text of poem by Cercamon or Gaucelm Faidit.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Initial T composed of foliate ornament.
Text of poem by Albertet.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Man, right hand grasping cord of fur lined cloak, left hand holding rod, flanked by flowers (?), within initial Q formed by intertwined bodies of two fantastic animals.
Text of poem by Daude de Pradas.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Within initial E decorated with foliate ornament and animal heads or masks, three-quarter figure of man, gesturing with right hand, holding rod with left hand.
Text of poem by Bernard de Ventadorn.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Within initial S formed by fantastic animal, three-quarter figure of man, holding rod with right hand, grasping curve of initial with left hand.
Text of poem by Aimeric de Peguilhan.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Three-quarter figure of man grasping cord of fur lined cloak with right hand and gesturing with left hand within initial E decorated with foliate ornament.
Text of poem by Giraut de Bornelh.
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal
Photography by Pixel Acuity
Chansonnier provençal